VIII. Precautions

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The Morgan brothers are slowly getting used to having a baby around. They successfully baby proofed the house. Only now realizing how many items they own that are actually choking hazards.

Nathan is trying to wrap his mind about being a guardian to his sister for next 18 yrs.
And if she's anything like her brothers it won't matter what age she is he will always feel worried for her.

She has her first Doctors Appointment today.
She was already in a bad mood all week due to her two bottom teeth coming in.

Nathan also had to speak with social services to sign a few documents to officially take full custody.
This afternoon he will officially be the guardian of Emma Morgan.

Not knowing her mother or even the man his father is now, he didn't want to chance them having a change of heart and taking his Emma away.

It's apparent to everyone when the visit started to go downhill. She was fine until it was time for the shots.

She had to get two.
And the water works started and didn't stop.

She was too young to get a lollipop so a colorful bandaid would have to suffice.

"Mr. Morgan. I'm happy to inform you that you have a healthy baby on your hands. She is a healthy a weight at 17 pounds. As you probably noticed she is teething, you can get her some teething toys that could help as well as having her suck on things that are of cooler temperatures. You are all set to go and we'll see the little lady in 6 Months to check on her progress and development.

Jace grabs his sister and and wipes her tears away. "It's ok,  It's all over now."He whispers "The mean nurse isn't going to give you anymore shots"Jace"Nathan says disapprovingly" don't say that she needed to get those shots and the nurse was just doing her job."

Jace scoffs and says "Whatever, she made my sister cry, so we don't like her." he kisses her on her cheek, and says "now that this nightmare is over let's go get you something to chew on other than my finger."


Andrew was a nervous wreck, he had the duty of watching his sister for the entire afternoon because everyone else was busy. It was going great until he had he received a call that he would have to pick Lucas up from work since his car was in the shop.

Which is why he is currently driving 8 miles under the speed limit. He mutters under his breath as he again hears cars behind him honking.

He looks in the mirror and sees that his sister fell asleep clutching her stuffed animal.

A honk blares, "Hit the gas Grandma!"
He clenched his fingers around the wheel, grinds his teeth and was about to give the driver a piece of his mind but he looked back at the little girl behind him and decided to ignore the man.

They don't know he's driving around with precious cargo.

A couple minutes later he pulled in the parking lot.
Lucas hops in and they head home, he decides to ignore his brother when he gets teased for driving so slow.

Little do they know he recently purchased baby on board bumper stickers for the entire family.

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