Chapter 5

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"Merry?" I called, looking about. My insides were squirming with dread, but I fought to keep my voice cool. He couldn't have gone far; he was injured.

I scoured the rocky floor for footprints. It was slightly sandy in some areas, and I thought I might find a disturbance, but it wasn't until I found myself at the back of the cave that I found any hint of former life. Merry's prints were scuffled with some other booted ones; man's, by the size of them.

My heart nearly choked me. If they had done anything to him, I swear they wouldn't live to tell about it.

Yeah. Great threats coming from a hobbit.

I balled my fists, and took a step forward into the tunnel. A cold breeze swept past my face, and I froze. Not because anything was wrong with the wind, but its shrillness reminded me of how small I was; compared to anything, really.

It wasn't until I had finally worked up the courage to take one more step that I heard it; footsteps pacing away from me. I suppose one should scold me, for not taking any precautions, but at that moment I didn't care. I sped off down the tunnel as fast as my short legs would carry me....

Until I bumped into a large, hooded figure.


"Prestad?"* A deep voice sounded from above me. He knelt down and peered at my face. "Man ceril hi, henig?"*

Somehow, in a strange way, this mans voice didn't scare me, and I found myself wanting to trust him. Even if I could not see his face. "I-I'm looking for m-my friend,"

"Av-'osto."* He said calmly, touching my shoulder. "Boe de nestad. Tolo ar nin."* He stood and began to walk down the tunnel, but stopped after a few paces when I did not follow to look at me again. "Pedig edhellen? Peditham hi sui vellyn?"*

I nodded and took a step forward. It seemed, however bizarre the situation, that I could trust him. I trotted up to him and said, "Im Serella. Pedin edhellen."*

"Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo, Serella." He said, but I stopped in my tracks and cocked my head, processing his words carefully. I knew it was elvish; just not the Sindarin tongue I was accustomed to. There was only one other language in elvish that I had heard of, and that was Quenyan. Of course, this was generally used by the higher elves, and was not taught to me by Bilbo.

"Goheno nin,"* I said politely, "Ú-iston Quenyan edhellen."*

The man --or should I say elf-- paused his lengthy strides to look at me. "Goheno nin. You looked as if you'd understand."

He began to walk again, and I followed at his heels, breathing a sigh of relief. "I'm glad you also speak the common tongue, I wasn't sure how long I could keep up the elvish."

The elf-man threw back his hood and smiled at me. He had long, reddish hair that reached past his shoulders. The length suggested he was an elf, the color suggested man. When he turned his face to look at me, I saw the joy of man mixed with the wisdom of the elves in his eyes. His height and stride also suggested man, as did the sword at his side, but the gracefulness and dignity he put into them said elvish.

He must have noticed the puzzled expression on my face, for he threw back his head and laughed. "You will understand in due time young one." he chuckled.

I grinned. Somehow he put me at ease. "Mi van me?"* I asked, looking around at the stone walls that seemed to be closing in around me from all sides.

"On our way to my village. It is not far now."

I nodded and we walked on; me taking two big steps to match a single one of his. "What's your name?" I suddenly asked.

"Loegnir. You may call me Loegnir."



Prestad: Is there trouble?

Man ceril hi: What are you doing here?

Henig: My child.

Av-'osto: Don't be afraid.

Boe de nestad: He needs healing.

Tolo ar nin: Come with me.

Pedig edhellen: Do you speak elvish?

Peditham hi sui vellyn: May we speak as friends now?

Im: I am___

Pedin edhellen: I speak elvish.

Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo: A star shines over the time of our meeting. (This is spoken in the Higher tongue, Quenya, so I apologize if this is more difficult to process than the Sindarin I have been using. To be completely honest, I don't even know how to pronounce it myself!)

Goheno nin: Forgive me/Sorry.

Ú-iston: I don't know.

Edhellen: Elvish.

Mi van me: Where are we?

Ok. So I know that chapter was REALLY short, but I had a lot of elvish to research so.... Goheno nin, but I think you'll survive.

I also really, really wanted to update for you, so let me know what you think, and another chapter is coming soon!


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