Chapter 2

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That night, after a satisfying meal of stew, (complete with potatoes, carrots, and a nice piece of fried fish,) I went down the hall to my room. It was conveniently located across the hall from Frodo's- so if I had a nightmare, he could be there within moments.

I looked around my room, which had three bookshelves loaded with books and maps lining the walls, a four-poster bed in the back corner, and a desk near the bed. There was a dresser on the left side of the room at the foot of my bed, placed vertically so I could hang a mirror on the wall above it. The floor had one, large, braided rug covering it completely, woven of brightly colored materials.

I slipped into a pair of extremely loose trousers and an undershirt for my pajamas. Not only do I hate dresses during the day, I find they are equally as unpleasant during the night. Thus, I do not wear nightgowns.

I sighed and began to undo my hair from the long braid I usually wore with some difficulty. Having not bothered to check my reflection before supper, I had never noticed the small willow twigs and leaves sticking out of it.

I laughed as I undid the snarls. Merry and Pippin would have had such fun calling me a hedgehog!

That took my mind to another topic. Merry. He had acted so strange earlier, almost.... loving. Why, I did not know. Maybe he was sick?
I shook my head. Whatever it was, it was weird. He was rarely ever kind to me; but of course, Frodo, Pippin and Sam had always been around....

My thoughts were interrupted by a soft knock at the door. I turned to see my uncle in the doorway, smiling kindly.

"Hello my dear. Do you mind if I come in?" he asked.

I nodded. "Of course uncle. You know Gi nathlam hí!"*

Bilbo nodded and entered, sitting on the end of my four-poster bed and folding his arms over his knees. "I see you have been practicing your Elvish. Good for you!"

I smiled at his praise and turned back to my dresser, looking in the mirror as I attempted to undo my braid once again. But my uncle was not yet finished.

"My dear, Frodo tells me you were gone for quite a long while today."

My hands paused for a fraction of a second before they continued on with their tedious task. "Yes, Uncle." I murmured as I set the twigs and leaves on the top of my dresser in a neat little pile.

"With a boy."

Now I turned, feeling heat climb my neck. "Yes, Uncle. But it was only Merry! Nothing happened."

Bilbo nodded and gave me a small smile. He looked about my room until his gaze came to rest on a miniature book lying on the dressing table where I stood. Bilbo got up and crossed the floor, picking up the little book and tracing the golden, embossed title with care.

"Estel Síla."* He murmured, and looked up at me. "The Hope Star. You have been reading?"

I nodded. Uncle Bilbo had given it to me for my fifteenth birthday; something am elf had given him long ago.

"And your dreams? How have you fared lately?"

I swallowed. Normally, a dream would come once a week; tormenting me from sunset to rise.

"I've been all right, Uncle. So far, at least." I said, doing my best to remain confident and keep the shaking from my voice. Bilbo stood and embraced me warmly.

"You'll be okay, my Seria." he said reassuringly. I held my Uncle tightly. He was another source of comfort for me.

Uncle soon pulled away and looked into my blue eyes. He kissed my forehead. "Sleep well, Serella."

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