Chapter 3

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I searched for hours, trying to find something to give us a sort of shelter for the night, but it was for naught. After about ten minutes, I returned to Merry, who was still sitting in the same position as when he fell. Sweat had begun to bead on his forehead, and he looked restless.

I did my best not to show outward panic, but as I sat down next to Merry and leaned my head against a nearby tree, he looked over from his position on the grass with concern.

"We'll be okay." he assured me with a gravelly voice, reaching over and placing a torn hand on my slightly bruised arm. I gazed at his injuries and changed the subject quickly.

"How do you feel?" I asked, trying to understand at least a little of what he felt so I could tend to him.

Merry examined his hands. "Like I investigated the waterwheel in Bywater backwards."

Despite the situation, I laughed. Merry grinned, and I stood up. Something about his smile gave me the strength to look again.

"Do you think there would be a cave or something in this cliff?" I wondered quietly to no one in particular.

Merry startled me by answering. "Try going along the north side. I think I hear water."

I turned and frowned at him. "I'm not going to leave you here."

Merry's grin broadened. "Yes you will. I'll be fine. Go check out the water source, then come back for me. I may be a bit stronger by then." with that, he closed his eyes and said no more.

"Dôl gîn lost."* I mumbled under my breath as I walked away. That boy certainly knew how to push my buttons.

For twenty minutes I searched the cliff, until at long last, I heard the running water Merry had spoken about. Eagerly I ran forward through the ferns and tree branches to see a small stream weaving through the trees gently. A doe saw me coming and took off into the underbrush with her tail up, her fawn following reluctantly.

I looked toward the cliff and my eyes soon found a hole, just large enough for two hobbits to fit inside and still have a bit of elbow room. I decided to investigate it first, before I reported back to Merry.

I stumbled through the trees and made my way up the river, which was coming from directly beside the cave, but not within. I ducked under the rocky ceiling and found that I could stand up at my full height on the inside. The walls were carved out of a light yellow rock, of which I did not know the name of. The floor was bumpy and uneven at the entrance, but as I advanced a bit further I found them to be quite smooth. I peered down toward the other side of the cave, and saw that a little tunnel wound away from where I stood.

Curiosity got the better of me, and I followed. I most certainly did not want to end up in some goblin fortress like Bilbo.

After ten minutes of walking without seeing anything but jagged rocks, I turned back and made my way out, and into the spring sunshine.

I took a deep breath of the sweet air, and then ran as fast as my legs could carry me to Merry, who had propped himself against my tree.

"Ai! Ai! Na vedui Merry, na vedui!"* I cried, skidding to a halt beside him and plopping onto the soft, leafy ground. Merry's eyes flickered open and he gazed at me, not moving or saying a word as a smile spread across his lips.

"Û-bedin edhellen Seria." Merry said, taking my small hand in his larger one, a mischievous smile playing across his lips.

I narrowed my eyes. "Pe-channas Merry."* I muttered under my breath. A bit louder I added, "You just did."

Merry shook his head and sighed. I copied him. He cocked his head to one side, and I did the same.

"You are such a child!" he cried, laughing.

"Iston, iston!"* I laughed, leaning my head against his shoulder. Merry chuckled and smoothed some of my brown hair that had fallen out of my braid back from my face and behind my ear. His fingers swiped against my cheek, and it sent shivers down my back. My laughter ceased as I gazed into his sparkling blue eyes. Something about them made me want to lean in.... closer....

I found myself touching noses with him. As I came to this realization and began to pull away, he held me in place, not allowing me to go. Fortunately for him, that wasn't hard; seeing as though I really didn't want to back away. He brought me closer to him until I felt his lips brush mine gently. He left a soft imprint, and then turned away, his face flushing bright red.

"I-I'm sorry Seria. I shouldn't have done that. I know you...."

I stopped him by placing my free hand on his chest. "It's okay Merry, it's okay." Actually, no, it kind of wasn't. I had just received my first kiss-and yeah, that's a big deal for me.

Merry turned his head and gazed into my eyes. I tried to read him, understand how he was feeling, but his eyes were expressionless, as if nothing had happened. "How about that cave?"

I was startled. Why wasn't he showing more emotion? Did he not feel as I? Deciding to drop the subject, I said, "Oh right, the cave. Its not far from here, maybe a ten minute walk if you aren't wandering aimlessly. There is a stream running near it, but not from it, so we won't have to worry about falling in during the night." I paused. Not being much of a swimmer made me nervous around any body of water; no matter how deep or harmless.

Merry smiled. "That's a good thing then. Anything else?"

I nodded. "There is a small tunnel toward the back of the cave, and I followed it for a while, but as far as I can see it goes no where."

Merry frowned as if in deep thought. "A tunnel always goes somewhere. Did you follow it to the end?"

I shook my head. "Nope. I just wanted to come and get you to somewhere safe before nightfall."

Merry gave a small grin and put his hand on my shoulder. "I suppose it'll do then. What's the worst that could happen while we're still in the Shire?"

I laughed and took my head off of his shoulder to stand up. I offered him my hand and he took it, standing shakily on his own feet for only a moment before beginning to tip over. I caught him and he balanced on me.

"This'll prove to be a bit more difficult than I thought," Merry said quietly, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

I gave a small laugh. "Indeed. Come on, I'll support you. We'll take it slow, okay?"

Merry nodded, and we staggered off into the woods as the sun sank lower in the afternoon light.



Dôl gîn lost = Your head is empty
Ai = Hail
Na vedui = At last
Û-bedin edhellen = I don't speak Elvish
Pe-channas = Idiot
Iston = I know

Oooookay! So this is the chapter! Please let me know if you're getting sick of all the Elvish stuff, and I'll stop if you want me to.

Special shout out to IrethLinwelin and TheWarlock2101! You guys are awesome!


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