Trials Final

168 3 2

"Galaxy Squadron in the air"

"Thunder Squadron in the air"

"(Y/CS) is airborne, Galaxy and Thunder form around me"

\Time: 10:50 AM/
\Loc: Trial waters/
\Start of the Aircraft-Fleet Battles Trial/

It feels so weird being airborne once again, It feels like I haven't done this in a while, a weird feeling indeed. We're heading north-northwest of the carrier to try knockout their aircraft so our aircraft can move unopposed.

Sydney over radio: "To make this clear once again, We may have superior technology on our side but we do not have the battlefield experience so we must not underestimate them."

Squadron leaders over radio: "Roger / Da ser."

Taking a glance over at my radar screen, I see multiple bandits coming straight at us, looks like a good amount of them as well.

(Y/CS): "(Y/CS), taking fire." The ship alerts us.

Switching radio frequencies, Sydney responded:

Sydney: "Solid mate, keep' em looking at you!"

He then swapped back to his aircraft frequency.

Sydney over radio: "Oh and one more thing, use Radar guided munitions or Guns. Our heat seekers won't be able to get a good lock against propeller aircraft"

Galaxy 2 over radio: "Doesn't the engine give off heat?"

Sydney over radio: "Da, but not enough to lock and track at the same time."

Gunsel 2: "Roger."

Then I see them, a whole lot of aircraft, seems to be a mix of dive bombers, torpedo bombers and fighters.

Sydney over radio: "Alright, all fighters, master arm on. You're clear to engage."

Flicking the master arm on and pumping speed to full, the prop planes open up with their guns as we do the same, multiple prop planes are struck and go down in flames. Wiping around, bringing 2 Dives bombers spiraling down to their watery grave. It is not even a fight, it's like shooting fish in a barrel while you have a shotgun, the sky is filled with fire and tracers.

Once all aircraft are downed we continue on our way, braking through the clouds and glancing down at the water we see the fleet; 4 carriers, 3-4 Battleships, 5 or so light and heavy cruisers and some destroyers, with the battleships seeming to be busy engaging the carrier.

Sydney over radio: "And here they are" I swap my frequency over to the Anti-Ship Squadron's "Gunsel and Monarch, this is (Y/CS), we have air supremacy. We count 4 carriers, 3-4 battleships, 5 or so light and heavy cruiser, and some destroyers. We'll send targeting data once you reach us."

Gunsel Squadron over radio: "Solid copy, launching now. We'll be there in 5-10 mike's."

Sydney over radio: "Roger that."


Looking over at my Radar, I see a flight of 10 bandits heading right towards us and they're fast as well.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2023 ⏰

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