Bloody mess

19 0 0

brant POV
Hanahaki disease is a sickness that only occurs when someone is
suffering from one sided love.

In the sink, where I guessed flower petals would be, was blood and maybe 6 petals, i didn't care about the first ones i threw up, i never threw them into the garbage.
I looked down, terrified of why and how this happened. I took my phone out of my pocket and searched up "tghrowing up flowr petls" the results weren't helpful, since it was just links of different flowers. I then took my time and wrote "Throwing up flower petals" the results were totally different.

I read "Hanahaki Disease is a disease where the victim of one-sided love begins to vomit or cough up the petals and flowers of a flowering plant growing in their lungs, which will eventually grow large enough to stop breathing" and i was terrified. I didn't know what to think, who did i love? Was it Puds? There was no way, I knew i didn't like Puds in that way. At least i think, did I like puds?.. I looked through more links and found out that I could get surgery for it but my feelings for the person would fade away, the only other way of getting it to stop is to confess my feelings, and hope that they like me back. I don't have many friends, so the only person who i could possibly have feelings for is..Puds.

I heard the door open slightly. Shit. I turned on the faucet and the blood went away into the drain, luckily the petals weren't big enough and they went into the drain too. "Brant! What's taking you so long?" I stood there, looking at the small gap that was made when the door was opened, only slightly tho. Puds would respect my privacy, they were just..worried? "Oh, I just zoned out..i'm washing my hands right now though, I left the faucet turned on so sorry." I giggled trying to make it seem as if I was being serious. "O-oh! I'm sorry! I didn't know. You're lucky all the customers left. It's 10:02 now." Gosh was I gone for so long? I knew i was there for a while but i didn't think i was gone for like almost an hour.

I walked out of the bathroom with Puds and we served the next few customers until 12, our shift ended at that time so me and puds waited for the new waiters to come in to take place for us, I knew that it was only gonna be Mono and my good friend Asher. I wanted Asher to come more than mono since she wasn't my friend, but more of Ashers. Asher was the first friend I ever had. He's a nice guy.

*Ding ding* I saw Asher running in and then walking up to us "Well now you two can leave." I thanked Asher and Puds walked behind me, Puds and Asher didn't talk much. The only times they talked were when i introduced them to each other and when Asher just joins in on our conversation. Puds looked up at me after we walked out of the cafe then stopped walking, I noticed then looked down at them "You never answered my question!" Puds said, I couldn't remember what their question was so I just said "You never told me!" Puds then looked at me and continued walking, I followed. "About the fnf thing! Did you hear the new song? It goes so hard." I then remembered, how could i forget. These stupid flowers getting in the way. "Oh yeah, the song "UGH!" right?" Puds nodded then smiled, gosh they are so cute.

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