Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 

  After their latest run-in with Honerva, Allura was furious. They all had been banking on being able to head her off before she could harness the energy or Orinade. But sadly they were too late, yet again. Allura was not going to lie, she was beyond furious here. There were no words available in any language in the universe to describe her feelings of rage towards Honerva. Allura was at her wits end here. They couldn't keep taking hits like this, the more powerful Honerva got, the less of a chance that they had of stopping her. She could be planning on eradicating the whole entire universe and Voltron and the ATLAS would be powerless to stop it. Allura kept promising herself and the ones around her that they were going to stop Honerva no matter what. But the more and more they kept losing her, the more Allura was losing hope in them all.  

   She had come in hot when they had gotten back to the ATLAS, and she had gotten out of Blue's hangar before anyone else on the team could intercept her. She knew that her temper was flaring and that she was very prone at the moment to say things that she didn't mean and would regret later on. And she didn't want to blow up at her team. So she was hoping that she could take refuge in her room before she blew up at someone. Even though she was very upset at the time she was still in enough control of herself to try and not take out her anger on anyone else. She never liked it when it happened to her, and she's sure that everyone else can share the same sentiments. Plus it wasn't very professional, and it didn't make her a very good friend. Besides, the rest of the team, and her friends had their own problems to worry about. They didn't need her problems on top of hers. Pidge, and Hunk were working around the clock with Slav and Sam trying to find some way to figure out what Honerva was up to, and stop her. Coran, and Romelle were trying to reach out to the other Alteans under Honerva's control that they had captured. Shiro was busy running the ATLAS, and still reeling from the loss of his ex-fiance Adam. Then there were Keith and Lance. Keith who was dealing with the stress and burden of leading Voltron. And people could tell that the stress was getting to him. He had dark circles under his eyes, he was having stress migraines again, and he had a greenish-tint to him at times. It was very conconering. And Lance was busy trying to make sure that Keith wasn't going to keel over on them. So Allura didn't want to put any more pressure on them than she had to.  

       Allura had it all planned out in her head. She was going to sneak off to her room that she shared with Romelle for a little bit. She was going to unwind a bit, maybe try that meditation that Ina recommended to her, and then go bit something on the training deck. Once she did that she was going to shower, and hopefully sleep. (Though with how wired her mind was at the moment, she found that very unlikely.) But what she did not plan for was one blonde Altean. When she slammed her hand against the bio scanner and the door to their room swished opened she expected the room to be empty. It was dark, and she wasn't paying attention when she walked in, so she was surprised when the lights flicked on. Allura jumped and was reaching for her bayard when she noticed that it was Romelle. The younger Altean aws sitting on Allura's bed with her hand on the light switch. She had an unreadable look on her face that Allura had no idea what that meant. But she had a very bad feeling about this.  

     "Romelle?" Allura asked as she walked into the room, and let the door closed behind her. "What are you doing here?" She asked. Romelle just looked at her for a couple of ticks before saying anything. "I live here firstly." Romelle told her sarcastically. "Secondly, I'm worried about you." She said, Allura just stood there and stared at her and tried to school her expression into something neutral. "Keith radioed the bridge when you never showed up to meet the rest of Voltron." Romelle said. "He's worried about you Allura, we all are." She said. Allura had to fight to keep her composure over the matter. She really didn't want to blow up at Romelle right now. But this was what she was afraid of happening. "I apologize for worrying you all." Allura said, keeping control of her tone. "And I will find Keith later on and apologize to him, that was very disrespectful and unprofessional of me." She admitted. Romelle just sat there in utter belief, and rolled her eyes at Allura before jumping up from the bed. She walked the short distance across the room from the bed to where Allura was standing. She grabbed Allura by the front of her armor and pulled her closer to herself.  

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