Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 

 Ryan was really starting to regret letting Nadia help him out with this. Though he knew that whether he agreed to let her help him out or not, she was still going to anyway. That's just how Nadia was. She was a force to be reckoned with and nothing that anyone could do could stop her. It was part of the reason that she has made it as far in her career at the Garrison. The girl never gave up regardless of what was put in her path. Her go-getting attitude really helped both her and the rest of the team out during the invasion of Earth. And Nadia is one of his very closest friends, but Ryan can admit that Nadia can be a little overbearing and a bit much sometimes.  

    Regardless of how he thought about her, Ryan knew that Nadia was now here to stay, and there was no way to get rid of her. So together they went on to make their documentary, and hope that no one tried to break his camera in the process. But the day is still young, and Nadia's still bored out of her mind so who knows what's going to happen with them now. He had it all planned out though, he wanted to go around and interview members of the crew and ask them about their time on the ATLAS. He also wanted more insight on what they thought about the war, their plans afterwards, and what they hope that everyone else in the universe can take away from it. He wants this to be very insightful, and not only feel real and authentic, but actually be that. He knows that war is not a pleasant experience, and in schools a lot of it is glorified in a way that is to diminish how awful it can actually be. But Ryan knows that's not right and he wants the rest of the world to see it as well. Hence, why he's making the documentary after all. He just has to convince Nadia that it's not an action movie first.  

       He had planned to interview people that he knew would allow him to do it. People like Colleen Holt, Hunk, Keith, Pidge or any of the other Paladins. He wanted to speak to Kolivan as well, and maybe Krolia or Slav. He was steering clear of Iverson. And he wanted to interview Captain Shirogane as well, but he wasn't going to. For you to see for Ryan to be able to do this, he would need permission to do so. And that is permission that he didn't have. So to avoid getting into any unnecessary trouble, he had to keep all of this under the wraps and hope that nothing went wrong. Now, he just had to put that plan into action.  

    This whole entire war with Honerva was something that was just out of this world. Never in a million years would Ryan ever think that something like this would happen. Aliens, and the like were always just myths and stories that he heard growing up as a little boy. They were in comic books, on tv shows, and movies and so on. They were made up, and weren't real at all. Though come to find out at a later date that all of those stories that he was told as a kid were actually true. One of the most terrifying days of his life was the day that the Garla invaded the Earth. He could never remember feeling so scared in his whole entire life. It was one of, if not the first time that he ever really felt unsettled enough to show his emotions openly to those around him. And that is something that scared everyone. Ryan had always been the strong silent type. He had trouble expressing his emotions into words and coherent thoughts. It was part of the reason that he got into film making, as a way of self-expression. But over the years that they fought against the Garla, and finally liberated the Earth from Garlan control, were the most stressful years of his life. He never knew if he was going to see his family again, or if he would last that long to make it back to them. The only people that he had contact with everyday were his team, and other people who were at the Garrison at the time. And even then, the threat of death still hung over their heads all the time.  

     It was one of the big influences on him to film his experience for the rest of the time they were in space. He didn't want this to be forgotten about, and he wanted it to be gotten right. The history books were always written by the winners of the wars. But even still, that doesn't mean that they are always right. He wanted the rest of the universe to know his side, and see the people working so hard to save the universe how he saw them. Most of them were already heroes on Earth, yes, and some in the universe already. But he wanted them to be seen as more than just that. He wanted them to be seen as living, breathing beings of the universe. They weren't invincible by any means, but they work their asses off to try and protect the people of the universe. And that is what they're doing now.

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