Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 

   This seemed to be a recurring thing with Allura this past couple of months, but she was pissed off. She was very angry at Honerva-that witch had no right to do what she did. All that she could think about now was poor Tavos, and how much pain he must have been put through all because of that little black entity inside of him. The witch had no right to be doing what she was going to do to those poor Alteans, and what her nefarious plans for the rest of the universe were. She can kind of understand where she was coming from though. Yes, she lost her family, her whole life, her world, and that's devastating. But she wasn't alone in that. Allura had the same thing happen to her, and so did Coran, and Romelle. And even Keith, Shiro, and Pidge knew some of that pain to an extent. But neither one of them has ever come close to doing the things that she's doing because of their grief and anger at the universe. Yes, as Lance would put it 'suck' but it's not the end of the world. And Allura learned the hard way that even though things might look bad at the moment, that doesn't mean there's not a layer of positivity buried deep in there somewhere, you just have got to go digging for it. Honerva didn't seem to have gotten that message though.  

    It just boiled Allura's blood that Honerva thinks that she can just go and take whatever she wants when things don't go her way. She's acting more like a spoiled child throwing a tantrum when they aren't getting their way than a highly skilled and respected alchemist, or an Empress. It just really ticked her off. None of these people in the universe deserve to suffer because of her misfortune. It was her own fault that she's in the position that she's in. As the old Earth saying that Lance and Hunk taught her goes, 'You've made your bed now you've got to lie in it.' Honerva made her bed now she must lie in it.  

   This had all that she's been able to think about these past months that they've been in space. She knew that Honerva must pay for what she's done one way or another. But she had this sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach that the way that she wants justice served is too dark. And she knows that she's worrying everyone around her that she cares about. But she just can't stop this. Honerva took away so much from her, and that's something that she can never forget, and will probably never forgive. She just can't look over that like everyone else wants her to. Yes, she does think that Honerva deserves to be punished for her crimes, and normally people are locked up for the crimes that she's done. But Allura doesn't think that's enough. With all of the hurt and suffering that not only her family, both old and new, but the people of the universe have endoored, her punishment needs to be just as just if not more severe. 

The young Princess knows that it's not a good or healthy thing for her to be holding onto all of this anger and hatred like she has. But it's just so easy to do so, and even harder to try and let go of it all. And at this point, Allura doesn't see what good it can do her to let go of it all now. She knows that not only has it been wearing on her mind but on her body as well. She's exhausted, and she hasn't been sleeping, and she's been overworking herself to the bone. She didn't even try to put up a fight when it was suggested that she stay back and rest tonight. Even though she would have loved to go planetside to enjoy the Clear Day festivities with Romelle, even if she was on security duty, she knew that it was best that she stayed back. Though she did try to convince Romelle to go on ahead without her, the younger Altean was determined to stay behind and look after her. So instead Romelle was determined to make this a date night for them instead anyway. 

And while Allura was pretty sure that she wasn't going to be that much of a fun date, she was willing to try. Pidge had helped Romelle set up one of her old laptops so that they could watch the old movies she had on it, and they could have a movie night. Allura's heart warmed at how much effort Romelle was willing to put into this. She knows that she hasn't been the easiest person to get along with these past couple of months, and she's so grateful that Romelle has been determined to try and make all of this work. Allura knows that she loves Romelle, and she's pretty sure that Romelle loves her too, it's just that things are so complicated right now. She really hopes that after all of this maybe they could give them a try. 

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