Plans for December 6th

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Gabby's POV: When Matt asked me if we were going to do something on December 6th to commemorate what would've been our 4th wedding anniversary...I was conflicted. I mean, it's not our anniversary yet, in a way it is. You know what? We are actually going to be tired after what's happening the night before anyways. We have a virtual fundraiser for Med. Well, not we but the Charity I worked for does. It's one of 4 fundraisers we have every Saturday starting November 28th. Time to tell Matt about it.

"Unfortunately, we can't do much because of how tired we are going to be." Matt looked at me confused. "Oh, is it going to be that time of the month again?" He then smirked, speaking of sex. I slapped his arm and shook my head. "God, all this time together has made you worse than Severide!" He nodded and couldn't disagree. "No, we actually have a fundraiser on December 5th. Well, a virtual one. Well, I do at least. I am still working with the charity remember?"

Matt nodded and agreed. "Are they doing stuff on the same nights we are talking about?" I nodded and smiled. "Want to hear about what they've decided to do?" Matt nodded. "Okay, so the November 28th fundraiser is still for Puerto Rico but, Jennifer Lopez is performing." Matt smiled. "That sounds like fun. What about the other nights?" I smiled. "December 4th is Med's COVID Fundraiser with Speeches from Obama and Pete Buttigieg."

Matt smiled when I said that. "That sounds great. I already know about the December 12th one because it's pretty much mandatory we attend." I nodded. "That one is with Lauren Alaina. However, I think you are going to like the Chicago PD fundraiser the most." Matt looked at me confused. "They still fundraising for South Chicago Youth?" I nodded and smiled. "And COVID. But, the special guest is someone that is going to really surprise you. Guess."

Matt thought about it. "The mayor? Or the future President/former Vice-President?" I shook my head. "Here's a hint. 88." Matt thought about it and then looked at me, shocked. "Patrick Kane? No way!" I nodded and smiled. "He's donating some signed jerseys. All proceeds go to youth outreach in South Chicago." Matt smiled. "Okay, that's crazy. I wonder if I could ask for a signed Jersey. I mean, I am married to a former representative of the Charity."

I smiled at him. "Unfortunately, I am not the one that is organizing it. It's a CPD Charity Fundraiser. We are only going because I always get tickets from Antonio. However, he still doesn't know if he's working that night. However, I heard Erin and Jay were going to go. That was at least, until COVID hit." Matt nodded and smiled. "You know, it would be fun if all the pregnant couples got together for a day or two. I mean, we're all isolating at home."

I thought about it and sighed. "Here's the problem. I don't exactly trust Jay and Erin when it comes to COVID. I mean, you have to remember that Voigt is Erin's father figure." Matt thought about it and agreed. "You think he's still visiting them?" I shook my head and didn't know. "Who knows what goes through his head. I mean, this is the same guy who asked me to do a sting operation when he knew you would be against it. Heck, I was shocked that you didn't protest more. I mean, your wife going undercover for the cop you don't like very much?"

Matt chuckled a bit. "Gabby, we both know that you don't like being told what to do. Neither of us do. Plus, it wasn't like you weren't being watched over. Boden was there too. I just wished I was allowed to go. I wouldn't have cared if it meant sitting next to Voigt for a while. I would've done it to make sure you were safe. Anyways, it's not like I was doing anything different than just sitting there that day. I literally sat in my office with my phone in my hand just waiting for the call that told me you were safe. And secretly....I had a gun in my drawer with Voigt's name on it."

I was shocked when he said that. "Matt..." Matt bit his lip and nodded. "Sorry, it was scary. But honestly, you would've done the same. However, you would've killed Antonio instead." I thought about it and agreed. "You're lucky that you are 100% right." We both smiled at each other when we said that because it was us coming to realize that we literally would do anything for each other. Unfortunately, that also included going to jail for each other because had Matt killed Voigt, he wouldn't be here right now but instead...he would be in jail like his mom.

"Then listen, let's promise that this time around...we never do undercover work." Matt smiled. "You mean from this day forward right? I mean...I did help with Diego." I nodded and smiled. "I am okay with us agreeing to it from this day forward." Matt nodded and smiled. "Want to seal this agreement with a kiss?" I nodded and smiled, kissing him softly while grabbing his neck. "God, I love you." Matt smiled when I said that while moving his hand to my leg and just holding me there. "Think maybe we can just lay like this for a while? Maybe spend a bit of time doing this?" He then bend down and kissed me softly.

I nodded and smiled, really wanting to do that when I heard Matteo moving around. Pulling away from the kiss, I went to look at him in his crib. Seeing that he was just falling asleep, I smiled at Matt. "Can you cover him up with his blanket? Then we can get back to that." Matt nodded and agreed. He then rolled over to cover Matteo up with his blanket before placing a kiss on his head. "Have a good rest buddy." He then moved to rub his back.

Smiling at him while he did this, I moved over a bit more and then waited for Matt to roll back over. Once he did, I grabbed his neck again and smiled. "Now, where was I?" Matt just smiled as he moved his hands to my arms before kissing me softly. "I think we were right here." I nodded and agreed, smiling as we took it slow with each other that morning.

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