chapter 2

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Maxines pov

We then drive up to these gates. I see there's this beautiful big mansion. I wonder what he does for his work. The gates open and we go in and park. The man gets up and comes to the other side of the car and opens the door, snapping me out of my trance once again.

"This is beautiful Carlos" I say while I'm basically drooling. We walk in the mansion and as soon as I walk in it's designed with art but very little of art. I then see a women who looks in her 50s come in but she doesn't talk she keeps her head to the floor slightly trembling then carlos speaks " meredith can you please show maxine her room and get her some fresh clothes" i don't know why but the way he says my name makes goosebumps on my skin meredith says " yes mr.hernandez and scurries off carlos turns to me and says " come bambina i'll show you around" after i got a tour of this whole mansion he then shows me too my room.

I go in and look around. It looks bigger than my old room and way more bigger. I then go into the bathroom to freshen up and take a shower but when i get out i realize that i don't have any clothes so i open the door and there's new clothes on the bed for me and a hot plate of food i put the clothes on and eat the delicious food. I then get under the cover and go to sleep.

Carlos pov

I'm in my office and somehow Maxine finds herself in my mind. I can't seem to get her out of my mind. When she says my name it makes me want to take her right then and there. ''Fuck!'' So I get up, walk my way to her room and knock when she doesn't answer. I open her door to see my bambina sleeping peacefully in her bed. She looks so beautiful and light adorable snores as she has her mouth open a little with her pink soft lips. I wonder what it would feel like if her lips were on mine. I close her door then go downstairs to get a glass of water and go to bed.

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