Wayne x reader

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Imagine complimenting Wayne on his eyelashes  


The red jeep pulled up to the end of the gravel lane way. I was sitting in the back of the vehicle with Katie, while the front two seats were filled with the dumbass fuck-boy hockey players I hated. Riley and Jonesy.  They the definition of a fuck-boy brain aneurism. I'm pretty sure I lower my IQ and lose brain cells just from being in their presence. Just as they park, Katie jumps out from the jeep with a cigarette in between her lips and a beer in her hand.
"C'mon y/n/n, get yer ass over here!" She shouted with excitement over me meeting her brother and friends. She grabbed my hand and pulled me from my seat and I now stood on the gravely path with her. The jeep pulled away as the two dick-for-brains driving it were scared of the toughest guy in letterkenny and I can't blame them.
"Katie, how are ya now?" Asked a stoic man with a straight face seated on a lawn chair next to two other men. They were all sitting around a produce cart full of assorted veggies and fruits.
Katie returned the greeting with a "Good n' you." It was a question posed as a statement that he answered with "pretty good." After the greetings were made she introduced each to the three men sitting in front of us. The one she was speaking too I learned was Wayne, her brother and also the good ol' boy this world needs. The second man looked like the truck driver type. He was rounder in the centre with big burly arms and a beard with curly hair to match. The last of the line was a blonde-ish curly haired man wearing much boots and a chorin' overalls. His eyes were slightly squinted and each person held a cold beer in their hand. Now, all the guys had their special qualities, but Wayne was the most beautiful man you'd ever seen. His eyes were a sky blue and if you looked deep enough, you might just stop breathing. The eyes are the window o the should where his where more like a heavily guarded crack in the wall you need a v.i.p access code to get into. But god damn what you wouldn't give for tat code. His broad shoulders did well to hold up his straight-backed appearance. He never once slouched, physically or mindfully. He was always the backbone for everyone else and you found that incredibly strong and kind.  He had a sharp jawline that could cut steel which was covered in small scruff almost unnoticeable. His hair was perfectly combed and never seemed to have a way to move that made him look anything less than perfect. Hell, he was perfection in body. The lashes that lined his eyes were gorgeous, any woman, or person in general, would be incredibly jealous of them. Unfortunately for you, your mind decided it would be a good idea to voice your opinions to the world.

"You have the most beautiful eyelashes I've ever seen." It came out as a whisper so quiet you hoped no one had heard but you were sorely disappointed. He raised a brow in your direction and his sister stared at you confused . Most people would have said thank you or even an awkward smile and a thanks, but alas, Wayne is not most people.

"Bout fucken' time someone noticed"    

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