Chapter 6

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Note: Veena and I wants to dedicate this to Lana (@awkwardbanshee from Twitter) on her birthday! Happy Birthday Lana! I hope you ate a lot of cake!



 He remembered going back home after dropping Lydia off at her house, getting out of his work uniform and taking a cold shower before changing into sleeping clothes and then heading to bed. He didn’t remember falling asleep however, but then again he didn’t remember much of anything after he went to bed.

And now, he was standing outside in a neighborhood he wasn’t really familiar with, except for the fact that it was the wealthier part of Beacon Hills. He stood in the darkness of the night, the cold crisp air blowing against him, but strangely, even though he was only in a pair of boxer shorts and a grey v-neck, he didn’t really feel cold.

It was the second time this had happened to him.

Glancing around his surroundings, Jordan found himself standing in front of one of the many huge houses in the neighborhood, each one equally unrecognizable to him. There were no lights on in this house except for the porch light and that assured him that at least someone lived there. And not wanting to be creepy by standing out there in the open where anyone could easily see him and call the police to report him for suspicious behavior, which he thought would be an extremely awkward situation, he walked over to the curb of the street and sat down on the pavement. He tried to figure out how he got there in the first place, but his mind was completely blank. He didn’t remember leaving his apartment, or in this case putting on any shoes, which made sense because he was barefoot and his feet were covered in dirt.

Did he walk all the way here?

Was he sleepwalking?

God. His head hurt.

His hand pats the right pocket of his shorts and thankfully, he found his cell phone, even though he didn’t even remember putting it there in the first place. It was a long walk back to his apartment, that much he knew, and he was kind of a bit too shaken up from what just happened to want to walk all the way back, so he called the only person he could at that moment.


When she answered after the third ring, she sounded drowsy and tired and Jordan felt extremely guilty for waking her up. But he knew she would understand. “Hey, Lydia. Sorry for calling up so late…,” he said.

“Parrish? No, no. It’s fine. What’s wrong?” Her tone immediately went worried as if she knew something was wrong even though he hadn’t told her anything yet.

“Well...I...I somehow ended up walking all the way to the other side of town and I have no recognition of how or why,” he replied slowly, realizing that it sounded even stranger saying it out loud like that.

“Oh.” It was all she said before silence filled the line for a few moments until she finally spoke again. “Where are you?”

He glanced around for a street name. “Uh, at the corner of Maple.”

“Okay, I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

Jordan was about to protest, but he knew that was pointless to do since he called her in the first place anyways, so he just nodded even though she couldn’t see him. “Thanks.”

After they hung up, it took Lydia exactly fifteen minutes to show up in her blue Toyota and park across the street from him. The drivers side of the car opened and she stepped out wearing a silk robe over a tank top and PJ shorts and Jordan tried his best to keep his gaze away from her bare legs as she rushed over to him. “Are you okay?” She asked, her hand reaching out to touch his arm instantly.

“Yeah,” he said, “except for the fact that I have no idea how I got here.” He didn’t mean for it to sound cheeky, but Lydia narrowed her eyes at him anyways.

“Have you ever sleepwalked before?”

“No—Well,” Jordan paused, his mind going back to that one night when he was in the army that he always thought was just a coincidence. But now, knowing he was a supernatural, nothing seemed like just a coincidence anymore.

“Hey,” Lydia’s grip on his arm slid down so that he was holding his hand softly now, making him look down at her. Her eyes were full of genuine concern for him and he can’t remember the last time someone’s looked at him like that. “You can tell me anything. And who knows, maybe it’ll help us figure out what you are.”

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