Chapter 21

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Jade woke up at 9:00 A.M. Ken was cooking breakfast again. Jade was in serious pain. She screamed and Ken ran in. He had oven mitts on and Jades kiss the cook apron on. He rushed to her side.
"You okay?" Ken said.

"Yeah... I'll be okay..." Jade lied back in bed.

"Your not working today are you?" Ken frowned.

"Nope! But I might go for a small drive." Jade added.

"Cool. I'll go get my stuff." Ken smiled.

"By myself Ken. I need to, okay?" Jade explained.

"Of course... Okay. Love you babe." Ken walked away.

Jade woke up from her cat nap and got up. She got dressed. Jade went outside and got in her Mustang. She pulled out and called Mara Lee. No one answered. She called Annie instead.
"Hi! How are you Jade?" Annie answered.

"I'm good. How're you and Mara doing?" Jade asked.

"I'm fine. I haven't spoken to Mara just yet. I'll call her in a minute. Buh bye." Annie hung up.

Jade drove past the Barter's house and saw nothing. She smiled and drove past the station. She had the radio all the way up. Summer by Calvin Harris was playing. She drove down towards the beach. It was empty but she parked there anyway. She checked her phone. Nothing. She put earphones in and listened to music.

Jade started her car again and drove home. She took her keys out. Her phone was ringing.
"Hello?" Jade yawned.

"Mara! She's..... Gone!" Annie cried.

"Calm down.... What do you mean?" Jade said.

"I'm at her hotel... She's dead....." She bawled.

"I'll be there. What floor and what number?" Jade jumped into her police car.

"203.... Second floor...." She hung up.

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