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I met Deniz at the entrance to the hotel were the benefit was taking place since Semiha insisted on having Tahir drive me around again.

Deniz's eyes lit up when he saw me make my way to him. I was wearing a dark blue full length strapless grown that had a slit on one side displaying my legs. I had also taken more time than usual to do my makeup. I wasn't very happy with having to attend so I was making the best of it by playing dress up.

"I wouldn't fake date anyone else Edacim" Deniz whispered in my ear when I gave him a greeting hug.

I chuckled. "I bet you say that to all your fake girlfriends" I whispered back in case someone could hear us. "So, excited for a night of high society fun?"

"I traveled around the world to get as far away as possible from nights like this one as possible" He said honestly while he offered his arm to put my hand on before we entered the ballroom. "But I'm glad you're in on the fun too"

"Its going to be great" I told him with fake enthusiasm as I placed my hand in his arm and we walked into the benefit.

The room was large with high wood ceilings and paneled walls, the decorations for the night were in white and gold tones, it was classy yet unassuming. The proceedings from tonight's event were going to an organization that looked to end violence against women, and I was happy that at least this evening served a higher purpose.

"Do you know anyone here?" He asked me when we started walking around the room.

"Not really"

"Lets find Semiha and my dad, so we can show face and leave then" Deniz told me speeding our stroll.

We made our way to the bar, after being unsuccessful in our search. Deniz handed me a flute of champagne and we toasted to freedom. Which felt so far away for both of us at the moment, it wasn't even funny.

"Eda?" A gentle voice I knew well said behind me.

Deniz gave me a confused look while I turned to look at the older and classy blonde looking at me with fondness.

"Aydan Hanim" I said glad to see a familiar face in this room full of strangers.

She gave me a quick hug that surprised me, high society events weren't big on affection specially genuine one.

"It's so good and unexpected to see you canin" It was then when she looked at Deniz, who was standing closer to me than what society would approve on mere friends, she did a double take before looking back at me with wide eyes. "And this is?"

"Im Deniz Karsu, Eda's-"

And then at the same time 3 voices spoke over each other, Deniz said: boyfriend while my voice and a new powerful male one said: friend.

I looked at Serkan who was now standing beside his mom, he was wearing a black tuxedo that made him look sinful. This man could wear anything and he would still be my kryptonite, but Serkan in a black tux, well lets say it was my new favorite look on him.

Serkan's mom chuckled uncomfortably. "So which is it Eda? Friend or boyfriend?" She asked me, while Serkan and Deniz had a silent stare down.

I was about to give a very political answer to her question when Semiha made an appearance and interrupted the moment.

"Canin, Deniz" She said giving our shoulders a quick squeeze, she seemed truly elated to see us. "So glad you could come here together"

"Merhaba Semiha Hanin" Serkan said making his presence unmissable by his business partner.

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