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"Rise and shine!"

Athena and Ezra groaned as they groggily and regretfully opened their eyes. From their little spots in the cargo bay, they glared up to the little platform just above them.

There stood Rex, a smug smile on his face as he gripped the yellow bar in front of him.

"I should have just let that robber kill me back in Cleveland," Athena groaned, turning back around and clutching her towel-blanket closer. "I want sleep, you bastards!"

"Come on, you sissies! Time to get up and get the blood pumping," Rex cheered.

"Hera! Rex is trying to wake us up!" Ezra complained as he shouted up towards the ladder.

"Hera sent me here to get you two up. Now come on, the Empire doesn't rest and neither should you!" Rex encouraged.

"Please, I'm begging you to kill me," Athena groaned. "I have died twice before, what is once more?"

"Come on now, up and moving!" Rex said.

The two teens begrudgingly followed the clone captain's orders and got up.

They eventually found themselves sitting in the kitchen - each in a new set of clothes. Seeing that the ones they wore overnight smelt terribly musty, Hera had them change into a fresh set of clothes until their regular ones were done being washed.

Athena wore a black tank top with colorful paint splatters all over it with a pair of stretchy black pants - all loaned to her from Sabine. Ezra wore an old white shirt and grey pants now. Both had their hair freely hanging - neither in the mood to deal with it.

"Now, don't you three forget you got clean-up duty today," Hera pointed at Zeb, Rae, and Sabine. "That was a mean trick you pulled on those two with the bucket. That, and you got my cargo bay wet."

"Yes, Hera..." the three echoed with regret.

Ahsoka looked to Athena. "Padawan, I was hoping to train you one-on-one after breakfast if you're feeling up to it."

Great, Athena thought, just got done with traumatizing training with Father just to wake up and do more training with Ahsoka? When exactly does she get a break?

"Yeah, sure, whatever," Athena sighed before looking down to her breakfast and taking another bite.

It was so exhausting.

All of it was so exhausting.

The Padawan eventually followed her Master out of the ship and trudged behind her as they walked into the woods.

It was a few minutes into the walk when Athena spoke.

"Ahsoka, what are we doing all the way out here?" she questioned with a sigh. "You didn't even bring the sticks."

"We're not doing lightsaber training this morning," Ahsoka glanced back to her Padawan as they continued to walk deeper into the woods.

"What are we doing then?"

The togruta stopped, looking behind the two to see the Ghost was now just out of sight. She looked down at the girl, "I want to see what exactly you can do. The Ones have been training you and you seemed to have trained yourself yesterday, so I'm not exactly sure where we stand on your Force abilities."

"Okay, what exactly do you want to see?" Athena asked, relieved she didn't have to endure lightsaber training.

"You said yesterday that you got 'stuck' on water powers and your hair turned brown and your eyes blue for a while," Ahsoka started. "What else other than water can you control?"

Family by Heart - REWRITE(a Star Wars Rebels story)Where stories live. Discover now