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Hey, everyone! I am currently in the process of writing the final book in my "Rewrite" series. It will be called "Battle for Earth - REWRITE".

I will have the story posted by the time mid-August comes around. If I don't have it done then, I'll never complete it - so I might just post what I got on here mid-August and let y'all come up with your own endings in your mind. I know that sounds sucky, but I got school in the fall - and this summer I had classes up until last week, so I had very little time to write up until now.

(I know what you're thinking, and yes, I am in misery.)

In order to get you guys hyped up for the story that I have(so far) written 77,000+ words for, I dropped this little preview.



Eventually, she walked out of the ship, following in the footsteps of Darth Vader. She met him just outside of the ship, not too far from the ledge. Just a meter beyond them was a plummeting cliff into the yellow lava.

She eyed the lava and then looked to the Sith Lord.

"Why would you let me near lava? I could defeat a volcano. Seems like a bad idea to get me near it if you don't want to be killed."

"You have many great powers. We would be unable to find anywhere in the galaxy where you did not have access to any one of your elements," Vader said. "These powers of yours were being wasted by your Rebel friends. Come with me and I can unlock your true potential. No longer will you have to stifle your greatness."

"You are as strong, maybe stronger, than the Chosen One; I can sense it," Athena sighed as she looked down to the pool of yellow lava. "So, why do you need me? My only purpose in this universe is to defeat Abeloth. Nothing more."

"And you think you can do that with your Rebel friends?" the Sith questioned. "Your brother was but a child when the Jedi Order fell. Never Knighted. Even your Master Ahsoka Tano never achieved the rank of Knight."

She said nothing.

Maybe it would be better for her to jump in the lake, she wondered.

"Become my Apprentice and you will be able to defeat whatever foe you meet," Vader enticed. He took a familiar silver cylinder folded in two off his belt and held it out in his hand. She could sense her multi-color crystals hum inside.

"" she said with a soft voice and heavy sigh. "Why can't you go and defeat Abeloth?"

"The Ones did not choose me for that role," Vader said. "But, I can prepare you for it far better than your Rebel friends could. Abeloth is a monster with no capability of mercy. Weakness cannot be tolerated. Restraint will be your demise."

"How much do you know about the Ones and Abeloth?" Athena questioned, looking up at the Sith Lord now.

"A great deal, in fact," she sensed no lie from him. "And I can teach you what I have learned."

What other choice did she have? Off herself and let the universe be consumed by Abeloth? She couldn't run. The Empire had the entire planet surrounded. She couldn't fight - Vader was still very much stronger than her.

"With your Rebel friends training you, you would never be able to unlock your full potential. Become my Apprentice, and I will never allow you to be anything less."

They always did stifle her. Like a flame that was getting too big for their likings. Like a bird whose wings were too big and who soared too high. Always pulled back. Always smothering her. Never letting her free.

"Alright," she spat out the words, meeting the Sith Lord's eyes. "I'll do it."

Family by Heart - REWRITE(a Star Wars Rebels story)Where stories live. Discover now