Tempest? More like Tempered!

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Jonah's POV: 

Okay, Literature class isn't that hard. Right? Wrong, I was so wrong. Not only have to read books but I have to act. Don't get me wrong, I love reading but I just hated performing adaptations. So here I am, In literature class sitting next to my friend Daniel. 

"Okay, Class. I'm your new teacher for this semester. My name is Bonnie Rue, but you can call me Ms. Rue," Ms. Rue introduced herself like she's in a kindergarten class. "Now, I'm going to give you a role in the play, Tempest," she handed down some papers with our names on them. I took mine and saw that my role is Miranda? A girl?

"Miss Rue," I raised my hand calling her name, "Yes Jonah," she asked, How does she know my name? "Why is my role a girl? Miss," I asked, maybe it's just a big misunderstanding. Maybe a mix-up. She replied "Since there are a lot of males students here and females. We'll just divide the roles," I rolled my eyes, Great! I'm a girl.

"If by your art, my dearest father, you have
Put the wild waters in this roar, allay them.
The sky, it seems, would pour down stinking pitch,
But that the sea, mounting to th' welkin's cheek,
Dashes the fire out. O, I have suffered
With those that I saw suffer! A brave vessel,
Who had, no doubt, some noble creature in her,
Dashed all to pieces. O, the cry did knock
Against my very heart! Poor souls, they perished.
Had I been any god of power, I would
Have sunk the sea within the earth or ere
It should the good ship so have swallowed, and
The fraughting souls within her," 

I said with such grace and poise. That the guy who's playing Prospero, aka Jack, kind of like it.

Then, he said his lines.

"Be collected.

No more amazement. Tell your piteous heart
There's no harm done,"

As the scene ends with me sleeping, Miss Rue clapped her hands and said, "Bravo, Avery, and Marais. You should join the theatre next month, we are playing The Tempest but We'll change our roles. Jack agreed and so am I. Oh boy, I guess I'm a book nerd. 


Bye Rosettes!

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