Chapter 4

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Ranboo's POV-

That coming morning, I couldn't look Tubbo in the eye and I just layed in bed.... I just day dreamed. He started talking to me.

"Hey Ranboo"

I didn't respond. He needled next to we're I was.

"Are you ok buddy?"

After I didn't respond, he grabbed my chin and leaned closer to my face.

"I asked if you were ok."

I was shocked and blushing. He gave me a look full of gilt as if he could see I liked him-

"I-I'm fine!"

He kissed my cheek and walked to his chair and just looked at me.

A few hours later, we did a cooking stream, on my channel of course. Everyone in chat were going crazy! They were ready for the face reveal. We waited for a few minutes till we turned on the camera. When we did, all they could see was Tubbo.

"Hey Chat! Are we ready?"

  They all spammed yes.

"Ok guys, 3...2...1.... Hi chat!"

Chat was shocked! They mostly said poggers and that was that for the face reveal.

We baked a batch of cookies. Tubbo put on music when he put the cookies in the oven. All I could look at was Tubbo, I couldn't take my eyes off him. Then he noticed...

"What you looking at?"

Land was laughing her butt off. Tubbo looked at me and grabbed my hands.

"Let's dance!"
"I- Tubbo- I can't dance!"
"Too bad!"

We dance around the kitchen while chat and Lani were saying "awwww".

I staired into Tubbo's eye's. They were beautiful, and his face- it was full of happiness and enjoyment. It made me so happy and warm. His laugh was so heartwarming. I spinned him and then the cookies were done so he let go of me....

We ate the cookies and ended the stream.

"That was fun!"
"It was very fun Tubbo!"
"Also sorry for dragging you into dancing with me."
"It's fine! I had fun!"
"I'm glad!"

When we were in his bedroom, we just talked about what happened on stream.

"That was so fun!"
"It was fun Tubbo!"
"H-hey Ranboo-"
"C-can I have one of your hoodies?"
"Sure, what do you like me?"
"No! I don't like you!"

I gave him a hoodie knowing what was gonna happen next from the night prior and I was already blushing-

"Thank you!"
"You're welcome Tubbo!"
"I-I love you Ranboo!"
"I-I-I love you too Tubbo!"

He hugged me, and told me to bend down. I bent down and he kissed my cheek- I got flustered- and then we slept.

This chapter was so fun to make and I'm so excited to make more and I'm happy you're all liking this! See you tomorrow! Don't forget to hydrate! Bye!

~The Unmentioned Love~ Ranboo x TubboWhere stories live. Discover now