26 - Jily and Wolfstar

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"Hey James," Sirius says one night in seventh year as they lay on his bed. Everyone else was passed out after the party in the Gryffindor common room except them. "We should get married."

"I absolutely agree," answers James, slurring his words together.

Fast forward to a few months later

"James, since we've been dating for almost a year now I feel that we should have a conversation about our future." Lily says, when she finishes her homework.

"Sure Lils," he replies automatically closes his textbook to give her his full attention

"So, first off, do you see yourself marrying me?"

"I can't do that, I'm already married."

"To who," she retorts, thinking he's just joking.


After a few seconds of silence she realizes that he is telling the truth and does the only logical thing possible in this situation... grab her boyfriend by the wrist and go to find Sirius and Remus.

When she finds them in the marauders dorm she walks in and slams the door shut aggressively.

"What the fuck was that for," Remus practically yells from his spot in the long-haired boy's arms. Since it was the day before the full moon he was moody and all his senses being on overload was not helping.

"Don't be so loud," Sirius says as he kisses Remus on the forehead and rubs soothing circles on the werewolf's back to help feel better.

"I'm sorry Remus," Lily says apologetically, remembering what day it was. "But we have a serious problem."

The second the words are out of her mouth she regrets them. "You said a Sirius problem? I didn't do anything wrong." The boy says defensively.

Due to him being part of the problem she lets it slide. "Actually you did. Why the fuck did you marry my boyfriend."

As this would normally make him mad, Remus was livid. "What the fuck did she just say?" Despite his anger he didn't move from his spot.

"Before you get mad. In our defense, we were drunk out of our arses and it seemed like a good idea at the time."

"How did you even managed to get married, you're still in school?" Lily asks, a mix between confusion, anger, and amusement.

"We were consenting adults. Legal at seventeen remember?"

Remus then goes, "Wait, let me get this straight, you got drunk, and got married, despite both of you being in relationships?"

"Pretty much," James answers before he can remember how sensitive the situation is at this time.

"Hey, don't be mad. It's not like we're in love or anything," Sirius says to Remus, trying not to laugh at that thought. "I love you mon coeur," he continues, placing a light kiss on the boy's lips.

Despite his previous feels, Remus feels all his anger melt away at the nickname. "Ok," he murmurs before snuggling even closer to Sirius.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Lily exclaims, baffled by how quickly that argument ended, especially considered the upcoming full moon's typical effect of the werewolf.

"It's not our fault we're more in love than you too. Now take it outside if you aren't done Evans, let my boyfriend sleep."

Letting out a sigh of frustration, Lily walks out of the room and back to the couches located down the stairs. "I'm sorry Lily, I never meant to make you upset." James says, sounding extremely upset with himself for hurting her feelings.

This time when she sighs, all her negative feeling go with it. "It's okay I guess, but you better take me out on a date to make up for it."

He smiles at that, "Done."

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