I Met Her

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The next day I wake up all tired. It happens always when I sleep while reading a book. But at least I completed it, "Welcome to otherwhere ", It was an amazing book with all the fantasies.

What could it be like to be in one of those fantasy novels, play a role of a  queen, fall in love with a prince, fight evil, sacrifice for the kingdom, all the magic stuff and maybe some vampire and witchy stuff? I smile at my thoughts. This is insane.

I get up from the bed to get ready for the day. This is gonna be a new day.

But I need to keep reminding myself of what I am here to do. I need to maintain the difference between my fantasy world and my reality. Books can be a runaway from the real world but at the end of the day, you are still living in a different world where you have targets and aims to achieve. You need to work hard to be successful, nothing comes without any problems and escaping reality for some time is okay but not always.

I am ready for the day. I check myself for the last time and leave my apartment. I walk around and notice this old library, I didn't see it yesterday, maybe I was in a hurry. I think I will give it a visit while coming back. I reach the college at 8:00 in the morning. I see new faces today.

"Oh, I am sorry I didn't see you coming!", I apologize as I step on one of the boys next to me. He smiles at me but his smile fades immediately. "You look exactly like her", he mutters. I am not sure what he meant, before I could react, I hear the bell ring. I turn around but before I could talk to him again and ask, he had left. I reach my class all confused and sit in the assigned place.

“Hey! You are the new girl Elena, right?“, a voice behind me ask. I turn around, she looks beautiful but something about her tells me she is not one of us. (Not again Elena, don't make her regret talking to you.) I smile at her and reply "yes! I am Elena, I have just shifted to this town."
"Oh I see, I am Spencer you can call me Spence.", she says as we both shake hands. "Nice to meet you, Spence", I say and we both chuckle.

Soon we are done with all our lectures. I collect my things and was just heading out when Spencer stops me and ask, " Would you like to have coffee together", I think about it and maybe it is a good way to distract myself from everything that's going on. I agree and we walk together to the only cafe in town.

The coffee corner

It is in the centre of the town, small and perfect for quick meetups and to spend a pleasant evening.

We take a seat at the corner table. Spence says she will order the famous drink for both of us and leaves to give the order at the counter. I am sitting there looking around when my eyes land on the boy sitting opposite me. He looks exactly like the boy I met today morning. But the moment he figures out that I am looking at him, he grabs his coffee and his book and leaves the shop. The book looked similar to the one I have.

"Hey, do you prefer extra sugar?", my thoughts are interrupted by Spence as she brings two coffees in her hand. I help her and tell them that I am good. We both talk and share our interest and enjoy time together. She tells me about how she has travelled around the world and also about the different history she keeps reading about. She loves mystery and all witchy things. (She is really good company. But there is something about her. She looks too mature than her age.)

Soon we decide to leave as it was getting darker. After we were done with our coffee's, we both say goodbye and leave. It's around 7:00 in the evening when I reach home. I take a cold shower and the first thing I do is search for the book.

"I suppose your day was good, Spence", ask a voice from behind.

"Dylan?", I reply.

"What are you doing here, Spence? ", Dylan ask with concern.

"Exactly what you have come here for", I reply "It's been so long old friend, nice to see you again.. ", as I turn around to look at him.

He comes and stands just an inch away and with that look in his dark grey eyes he says, " You shouldn't have done that, and what are you gonna prove by coming here. Don't make this difficult for me, Spence, just once." 

"You still think what happen was because of me. I am gonna prove you wrong. I know He did wrong but not because he was wrong, she made him wrong". I explain, but all he does is roll his eyes.
" See Spence, what happen that night was terrible, I lost everyone I had, everyone whom I trusted and everyone whom I cared but please I have to save her, she has nothing to do with all this", he says and walks away in the dark. 

Once Upon A TimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora