Twisted Ankle

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Request: Can I please get a 2k14 Leo x reader? One where the reader sprains her ankle doing something and even though the reader says she’s fine, Leo takes care of her? Maybe a confession of feelings and a kiss at the end;)


Ever since you met Leonardo, you couldn’t help but find him strangely attractive. Maybe it was his gorgeous blue eyes. Or his voice. You could listen to it for hours. Or maybe you just had a thing for ninjas.

Whatever it was, you wanted to see him again. It had been about a month since you last saw the turtles and you couldn’t wait anymore. You needed to see Leo.

Standing at the foot of the entrance to their lair, you took a deep breath before entering.

"Hey, guys! I finally found some time to come ov-AH!" you shrieked as you missed the step down. You fell on your butt and pain seemed to rip through your ankle, and you placed your hand over your mouth to muffle the shout of pain rising up.

"(Y/N?)" you heard Leo call out to you. The blue clad turtle walked up to you and knelt down, "Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah," you stated through clenched teeth, trying to act tough, "I just landed on my ankle wrong. I’m fine though."

The turtle gave you a skeptical look reached over and gently pressed his fingers against your ankle. Your eyes watched his bicep as the muscles flexed slightly.

"It’s swollen," Leo muttered under his breath, "You probably twisted it or something."

"Oh, is that all?" you kept your eyes on his muscles, but you looked into his eyes, just to see a slight smirk playing on his lips.

"Let me help you," Leo went to pick you up, but for some strange reason, you rejected his help.

"No, I’m fine," you pushed slightly on his shoulder, blushing slightly over how giddy the simple contact made you feel. The fearless leader stood up, watching you wearily, ready to catch you if you fell over. You put all your weight on your good foot and pushed yourself off from the ground.

"See? I’m fine!" you grinned as you started to put your other foot down. It hurt like crazy, but you didn’t want to show weakness in front of Leo. He always watched over you, and was rather over protective. While you loved the attention, you felt the strange need to prove to him that you were capable of taking care of yourself.

"If you say so…" Leo nodded. You started to take a step, but as soon as you lifted your good foot, pain shot up your leg and you fell forward. Leonardo dashed forward to catch you. His strong arms wrapped around you quickly, and you put your arms out to try and catch yourself, ending up with having your hands and head up against his chest. A blush crept upon your cheeks as he effortlessly picked you up.

"Leo, I’m fine," you stated as he sat you down and got a first aid kit.

"You twisted your ankle, (Y/N)," Leo looked over at you. You sighed in defeat as he came over and proper your foot up on his lap.

"Yeah, but, it’s not going to kill me," you argued.

"No, it won’t, but you still need to take care of it," the blue clad ninja raised an eye ridge.

"Why are you always watching over me like a hawk?" you blurted out. Leo’s head snapped up quickly, his eyes wide with confusion.


"Every time you’re around, you always hover over me. Its like I can’t do anything without your special permission. You treat me like a little porcelain China doll. I’m not weak, I’m not fragile, I can handle myself," the words rolled right off your tongue. Leo blinked a couple times before he turned his head back down to your ankle. His touch was soft and gentle.

"I never said you were weak or anything," Leo shook his head and looked up at you, "I know you can handle yourself, and I don’t doubt your skill. I care about you. I worry about those I care about."

The room got silent as Leo wrapped up your ankle.

"You care about me?" you looked up at the giant turtle, who was gazing lovingly at you.

"More than you know, (Y/N)," he breathed as he leaned in closer and pressed his lips ever so gently against yours. Your heart began to beat wildly against you chest. His hand rested on your back and pulled you closer to him. You wrapped your arms around his neck and began to return the kiss.

It was everything you had imagined. Of course you never imagined it would take a twisted ankle for Leo to kiss you, but it was worth it.

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