What is love?

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"(Y/N), your late." The sweet voice of your crush rang out. Ai mikaze, the only person you've ever loved, and you made the mistake of telling him. Stupid.

"A-ah, yeah.... But that's what happens when you invite people to dinner at last minute." You chimed as you tugged on your (H/C) locks.

"Sit, I have some questions to ask you." 'Oh my god' you thought. 'What if he asks me if I'm crazy, or what my problem is. Why would AI freaking MIKAZE like someone as dull as me?'

"S-sure..." As you sit down across from him, you notice how needlessly fancy the dinner is. Everything was perfect. There was even a candle in the middle that was (F/C) along with all of the other table accessories. "Ai...this is too much...."

"You don't like it?" Something in his voice sounded strange at that moment. Almost sad.

"No! Not at all! I love it! It's just, so perfect..." You felt as if you could cry you were so happy. it almost felt like a date to you. However, you thought it couldn't be. He is too perfect for you, right? Embarrassed, you start to find your lap extremely interesting and you can't look away from it.

"I'm glad." Looking up from your lap, you see that Ai is actually smiling a dazzling smile. You just want to melt.

Placing your hands on the table, unconsciously Getting lost in his eyes. You notice, his eyes aren't holding his usual cold and calculating glare. They hold a loving stare. No, it can't be, it's just you.

You snap out of your daydream, when you feel his hand on yours. It's not a cold gesture like you would expect though, it was a warm and welcoming one.

"(Y/N)." He called "Can I ask you something?" He Seemed hopeful.

"Of course, Ai-Sempai. Ask me anything."

"What is love?" His words struck you, You almost felt like crying.

"I believe it's when you would give anything to be with one person, and there's never a time when you're apart you aren't thinking about them. I could go on for days about it. I will if you'd like me too." Starting to hold his hand, both of you are leaning and now there's only a few centimeters between your faces.

"No, i think I understand." He said softly as he smiled lightly at his plate, and then Music starts to play, slow and romantic music. "Will you dance with me?" He said standing and offering his hand to you.

"Gladly." As you took his hand, he guided you to the center of the room with dim lights that have a (F/C) glow.

He drew you closer and your faces were for the second time tonight, centimeters away. As he started to lead you in dancing you got anxious.

"Um...Ai-Sempai...I can't dance." You admit, causing him to chuckle And draw you closer.

"Just trust me and follow me lead." As you started dancing again, you rested your head against his chest, you steadily stopped dancing and stood in a close embrace in the middle of the floor. "(Y/N), I've been thinking. About what you said last night, when you said you loved me...." His statement made you look up to him with hope in your eyes. He then looked down at you, eyes full of lust. "I love you too." He said and gently kissed you.


Ai MikazeXReaderWhere stories live. Discover now