the calculator.

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(seven minutes in heven fan fic.)

"C'mon! One game. Thats it! its just seven minutes!" a glare at the overly joyful headhead from the corner of your eye was the responce you offered. "Please? us guys really want to play."

"fine. though i dont understand the appeal of the game. is it a test of bravery or something?" agreeing, you stand and motion to the closet across the room. cecil looked like he wanted to say something, but ren cut him off.

"Of sorts i guess." smiling mistiviously, you decide to try not to select him.

"i guess i'll play too! Ai~ wont you play?" you notice him shift uncomfortably.

"probability shows im unlikely to be picked. sure, i'll play." he states monotonously.

"Its decided! meet back here with your items for the game in 5 minutes!" cecil chirped enthusiastically.

~time skip (five minutes)~

"Time to pick! time to pick!" natsuki chanted enthusiastically as he held out the bag. sticking your hand in the bag you feel aound, trying to find something that feels nice to the touch. when yiur fingers come into contact with a cool plastic feel you grab it and pull it out.

turning the object in your hands, you come to find that it was a blue-green calculator, otherwise a turcoise color.

holding the object up, you peer around the room.


"Thats mine." came the calm responce of none other than ai mikaze.

"U-um... hi." you said shyly, tugging on your (H/C) freinge. taking your hand, he led you silently into the closet.

"AWWWW! I wanted to get kawaii (Y/N)-chan!" Hearing natsuki's words made you turn around and smile apologetically and wave.

Ai opens the closet door and stands aside to let you in first, with a rather emotionless expression.

"Remember, only seven minutes!" Itoki-Kun chirped and proceeded to close and lock the door once we were both inside.

You let out a bored sigh. What a pointless game, you thought.

Glancing to the other side of the closet you see Ai, your fellow band mate looking at you intently.

You'd always felt strange around him, and you couldn't quite put your finger on the emotion that he made you feel.

You were happy, but also nervous, you would get sad easily if he didn't approve of something, but it was easiest for him to make you smile. Even if you were sad, or scared, he could always make you smile with the things he said, even if he didn't exactly mean to.

"(Y/N)" he finally broke the silence, making your heart beat into your throat, and your stomach flutter. Merely by the sound of his voice you were set on edge and completely self conscious.

"Y-yes, Ai-kun?" Came your jumpy reply.

"Can I try something?" The question was so broad. Try what? You thought curiously.

"Sure, try away." Uneasily, you chuckled, and responded.

"Don't move." In the cramped darkness of the closet, you felt as he switched positioned, and backed you against the wall.

"Ano...Ai-kun?" Now you were so close You could faintly see his features among the darkness.

Slowly, he brought his finger to his lips and motioned to be quiet.

Again, he started leaning in, now your faces are centimeters apart.

Soon you felt the contact of his smooth skin, gently cupping your cheek.

"Close your eyes." He whispered, at this point your breath was hitched.

As you did what you were told, you felt his soft lips against yours.

Immediately, you respond to your instincts, running your fingers through his cyan hair, and kissing him back passionately.

This is what you've been waiting for.

Ai pulled back and gently started to kiss your neck and jawline, and just then, the door was pulled open allowing light to flood in, and I noticed the flash of a camera.

Ai jumped back in surprise, hitting his head against the doorframe while he was at it, causing you to rush forward and touch him where he was hurt, and yet another flash of the camera stung your eyes. Though you were too worried about Ai to care.

Flashing a rare smile at you, he pulled you into an embrace.

"I think I love you, (F/N) (L/N)." He whispered into your ear making this the most meaningful game you'd ever played.

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