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18 1 2


Word count: 1614

Based on "In This Shirt" by The Irrepressibles

Warnings: abo dynamics, some curse words, blood/wounds, death (nothing too serious though, it's not a graphic description of gore scenes)

A/N: The story has slightly suggested the main male character (Calum Hood), but since I didn't use any names in the plot (except one), you can imagine anyone you want in this place. If any of the listed things in the warning trigger you - please don't read. As I said it's nothing serious, but some people are more fragile than another so just in case - I warned you. Enjoy!

We were happy. We were so happy together. We were like two souls molded into one. He was my missing piece and I was his. Memories flooded my mind as I was holding his stone-cold body close to mine, blood seeping from the wound.

We met at the festival hosted by art students from our college. I was searching for that one specific statue where me and my friends were supposed to meet five minutes ago. I was looking at the map and trying to find where exactly I was when I bumped into him. The first thing I saw was his tattooed arm. He was visibly taller than me, so I was leveled with his chest.

"I'm so incredibly sorry! I was just trying to figure out the direction!" I had to shout for him to hear me over booming music. He leaned a bit so I could hear his response.

"It's alright! Are you okay? You hit the ground pretty..." he stopped. When our eyes met I felt a sparkle in my stomach and warmth spread around my whole body. It was like the whole world stopped and everyone around us disappeared. Just the two of us, standing in the middle of the main square and the stars shining upon our heads. His eyes were deep brown but immediately changed into a little lighter shade when met with mine "...hard."

Our first date, which he proposed after stalking me like a creep for a month, was incredible. He took me to one of the many beaches that stretched through the whole west coast. It was empty due to the middle of the week. A whole beach only for us. He planned everything. We ate a home-cooked dinner, sitting on a furry blanket and stargazing. Since then we went out for little dates every week. And I was falling. Hard. Step by step, bite after bite consumed by his persona. His whole presence made me dizzy. His smell, his eyes, his kisses, and hugs. He was perfect.

After a few months of meeting, he invited me to his house. I could feel a change in his behavior the second I stepped into the small condo built far away from downtown. It was like he wanted to tell me something, but he couldn't. We sat on the black leather couch, two teacups placed in front of us on a small table. I took his hand into my smaller one and looked into his eyes.

"Whatever it is, you can tell me. I promise I won't run away from you" I smiled a bit, trying to ease the tension. He took a deep breath before telling me his inmost secret.

"I-I'm a werewolf" his voice almost like a whisper, pronouncing every word with caution.

"What?" I said almost inaudibly.

"And you are my mate" he said a little louder. I felt like I was dreaming. What was that all about? "Please, say something" he pleaded, trying to touch my hand, but I stood aside as far from him as I could.

"I'm sorry" and with that, I left.

I avoided him for seventy-three days. Seventy-three days of missed calls and messages. During the first few weeks, he tried to meet me at my apartment or my work, but I moved in with my friend and took a sick leave from work. I had to gather myself, organize all the thoughts and questions that cluttered my mind, and so I did. I dug deeper and deeper every day. I collected every information about werewolves I could. I've seen every movie that included those mythical creatures. Still, I had so many questions without answers that I wanted to ask him. And so there I was. Standing at his doorstep, waiting for someone to open the door. As soon as his eyes landed on mine, he reached for me and trapped into a bone-crushing hug. A sigh left his mouth after he inhaled deeply, my scent hitting his nostrils.

"My flower" he mumbled into my neck. I patted his back so he could put me back into the ground. We walked inside and I immediately caught all the mess that was surrounding the house. "Sorry for the chaos. I was too busy thinking about you and trying not to lose my mind." He dispelled all my doubts and filled all gaps that the books and articles couldn't.

When a wolf finds its mate it is impossible to separate them. The wolf will do anything to keep his beloved safe. When an alpha wolf finds his mate and does anything to protect them, it is a whole different story. As the strongest member of the pack, the alphas are technically impossible to defeat. And incredibly overprotective. And jealous. With his supernatural powers, he could feel all of my emotions. He knew when I was hurt, sad or even on my fucking period. That's not even the weirdest part of it all. As crazy as it sounds, I could feel his emotions as well, but only the strong ones. The ones that he wanted me to feel or the ones that he couldn't hold back.

The first time I was in real danger was the last time he let me walk alone after dark. Also, that was one of the very few times I saw him in a wolf form. I was walking down the street, heading to my apartment after my last lecture. The cold, autumn wind hit my face so I tightened my jacket and a scarf around my neck. It was only 7 pm and it was already so dark outside. The moon poked from between the clouds, shining brightly. I knew the route from the building of the science department to the campus like the back of my hand, so there was nothing to be afraid of. I was passing my favorite cafè when someone grabbed my arm and pulled me towards a narrow alley. My body was thrown into the ground with such a force that it knocked out all the air from my lungs. As I desperately tried to gasp for air a loud chuckle filled the air.

"Look what we have here. You are his bitch. His beloved mate" tall, muscular men towered over me with an ugly grin on his scarred face. His eyes turned into golden ones and claws grew on his fingers. He dug one of his fingers deep into my thigh and scratched down my leg, ripping my skin. "And now we wait" my head was spinning, sharp pain from my leg added to the one in my back and ribs. I wanted to scream so desperately, but my voice got stuck in my throat. Not even a minute passed as a loud howl was heard from the back of the alley. Five monstrous wolves were standing before us. One of them was my alpha. I was on the verge of passing out when someone took my face in their hands.

"Stay with me" a soft female voice kept me awake. It was Mali, his sister. She tied her belt around my thigh and helped me stand. The last thing I remember was a black car and a rushed conversation between Mali and the driver.

Since that unfortunate day, he made me move to his house. I was watched day and night. If it wasn't him he made sure to leave me with his sister or one of the pack members he trusted. Today was one of those days. He said he was going to do something very important and I can't go with him. Even if a few years passed, he was still very overprotective. And so was I. I was sitting on a bench on the back porch, almost ripping my hair. He was supposed to come back two days ago. Two fucking days of me constantly crying or pacing around the house.

"He's alright. I'm sure he will come back soon" Mali sat next to me, rubbing my back. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain envelop my whole body and I knew it was him. I only felt what he felt once. And it was rather nice than painful. I felt happiness and love. It was in the middle of the night when we were wrapped in each other's arms and I softly whispered my first 'i love you' to him. Now it was different. The pain was spreading everywhere, the darkness and cold filled my heart. I felt like I was dying. Like he was dying. A loud cry came out of my mouth as I fell to my knees. Mali knew what was happening. She managed to pack me into a car and within minutes we were there. I stormed out of the car as soon as it stopped. I couldn't hear what Mali was yelling at me. I ran as fast as I could until my knees hit the ground before him. His body was lying there lifeless. His eyes no more holding a sparkle, his hands no more warm, his voice no more heard.

With the corner of my eye, I saw a man. The same one from the alley. He was holding a gun aimed straight at me. He shot twice. The first one missing, the second one straight to my heart. My body fell next to his, our hands touching for the last time. I felt peace because without him I was lost.

"This is thy sheath

there rust, and let me die"

T H E  E N D

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