Chapter 1

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Regular Speech: Like this

Low-level speech (Whispers, muttering): Like this

Thoughts: *Like this*


This is a new Era, unlike previously, (Y/N) will find that this is an Era Rich and Overflowing with Ethernano. As of now, we find ourselves in a small cave on the outskirts of a forest in this cave were not alone here we find a young boy with white hair wearing a black cloak with a look of boredom on his face mixed with a bit of annoyance as he walked back and forth in the cave he thought "this is so annoying I could be training right now but I'm stuck here guarding this stupid crystal" the young boy looks up to a giant blue crystal with a human-like figure inside

Young boy: This is stupid why do I have to guard this crystal I need to get back to training and doing this every day is just a waste of my time, this my tribe has been guarding crystal for the past 400 years but for what, gramps won't mind if I leave. My training is way more important anyway.

The young boy begins to leave the cave, as he's about to exit the ground starts to shake powerful magic blasted throughout the cave from the direction of the crystal. Then there was an explosion, the young boy runs back towards the crystal and what he sees is shocking and scares him there was a man standing there with golden like aura surrounding him and brown scales on his face with pieces of the crystal surrounding his feet and in the wall then the aura suddenly disappears then the scales vanish and the man looks to the boy and ask "" then falls unconscious, the young boy starts to approach the man when a bunch of people show up

Man: Kenshi what the hell is going on here

Kenshi: I'm not sure what happened but when I felt the shaking and heard the explosion I came right back here I saw this person standing here then he passed out he needs help bring him back to the village now

Man: Fine but I don't think that the elder is going to like this bring we a stranger into the village on top of the sacred crystal has been destroyed this really isn't good, you two grab the body and grab a piece of the crystal the elder is going to wanna see it

An hour and a half later

Kenshi: Gramps I'm sorry, I should've been guarding the crystal wouldn't have been destroyed if I just did my job, I'll take any punishment that comes my way

As the elder looks at the crystal shard that he was given he turns around at Kenshi with the look of happiness and joy painted all over his face

Elder: Kenshi my boy this is a time to celebrate this is what our ancestors spoke off

Kenshi: Gramps I don't understand what you mean the crystal being destroyed was a good thing?

Elder: You see my boy our ancestors spoke of...

Before the elder could finish he was interrupted by a knock on the door then a young lady walks in, she had a soft voice that was soothing to anyone who heard and you could tell she was a gentle person

Young lady: Sir the man has awoken I have given him something to eat but he keeps asking someone by the name of Terrakion

Elder: Bring him here Serena I will explain everything

Serena: Yes sir right away

Serena turns to leave to retrieve the man when she bumps into someone falling to the ground, as she looks up she sees the man standing there

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