Chapter 3

286 11 3

Regular Speech: Like this

Low-level speech (Whispers, muttering): Like this

Thoughts: *Like this*


Elder: (Y/N) hurry we're close to the city gate

(Y/N): Okay but Elder I need to ask-

(Y/N): Okay but Elder I need to ask-

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(Y/N): Woah!! That was close

Elder: (Y/N) are you okay?!!

(Y/N): Elder I'm fine just go ahead without me someone is here

Elder: Okay But be safe, The gate is up ahead, meet me  there when you're done

(Y/N): Alright


As the elder runs towards the gate He thinks * (Y/N) can look after himself I need to get to the gate and reactivate the barrier, if people from the outside world were to know of the existence of this place it would be a disaster* I need to hurry
As the elder arrived at the gate he sees an army of beasts surround it behind this army he sees two men, one sitting on a throne in a mask and the other with blonde hair standing next to the masked man,
Both men walk towards the Elder

Masked man: just like the rest, you rush to the gate to reactivate the barrier. The secrecy of the cities must be kept a secret all you guardians and your city are the same wait, no The only difference is this city has what I want The great book and see unlike the other guardians you have the book as I can see

The Elder: Ha as I thought, you work for them don't you The Raijin Council cause they are the only ones who could of know that by deactivating the barrier you get rid of the cities defences

Masked man: wow everyone gives him a round of applause he figured out who we are, now tell me are you going to hand over the book or is it going to have to be taken by force you choose

The Elder: Thank you for the Choose but I choose option three pry it out of my dead cold hands

Masked man: damn just like the other guardians stubborn to the end my creatures ATTACK!!!

The creatures being to rush towards the Elder
* I'm getting way too old for this*
the elder proceeds to hind the book in his cloak then raise both his hands Lightning sparks between both his palms a blade made out of pure lightning appear then the elder chargeback at them with such speed each swing of his blade were unnoticeable his enemies falling left and right blood raining down his blade sought his enemies out like they had a mind of their own, slicing through all of them with such ease till none was left standing.
The masked man stands there in shock and says "I have to admit I'm impressed the Nickname the God of the battlefield was well earned you took down over 100 of my beast with such ease and speed it's scary let's see if you can do that again hahaha beast magic beast rebirth as The elder stands amongst the bodies of the dead beast they start to shake then arise with the look of death and ferocity in their eyes

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