Chapter 5

224 7 1

Regular Speech: Like this

Low-level speech (Whispers, muttering): Like this

Thoughts: *Like this*

Scene cut: ————————


At last, it's here! the festival of magic that only comes once a year The Grand Magic Games!


Charlotte: Just listen to that crowd I didn't think there'd be so many spectators

Kuno: There are lots of wizards here from all over Fiore, plus lots of regular, non-wizard people, too

(Y/N): Guys listen up throughout the tournament don't use your full slayer magic unless I say otherwise

Kenshi: How are we supposed to win if we can't use our full power

(Y/N): Observing the other dragon slayers is what we're doing, not winning this tournament. I want to know if they are truly deserving of the title.

Kenshi: Fine

(Y/N): The rest of you understand

Kuno: yep

Charlotte: yeah

Ohara: Of course


The Grant magic games are about to begin! I'm Chapati Lola and I'll be handling the play by play While former council member Yajima will be providing commentary! It's good to have you here, Mr Yajima

The Grant magic games are about to begin! I'm Chapati Lola and I'll be handling the play by play While former council member Yajima will be providing commentary! It's good to have you here, Mr Yajima

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Yajima: Good to be here

Chapati Lola: And our special guest for this first day a member of Blue Pegasus Ms Jenny Realite

Chapati Lola: And our special guest for this first day a member of Blue Pegasus Ms Jenny Realite

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Jenny: Blue Pegasus is going to win this year!

A couple of minutes go by as every team is announced, now it's time for (Y/N) team to make their entrance

Chapati Lola: Now for the team that came in 8th place tied with fairy tail team A PHOENIX GRAVE!!

The Stadium goes quiet as (Y/N) and his team walks out, murmurs can be heard in the crowd

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