Ch. 2: Meeting Master Raghnall

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~After walking through the barrier~

I had made it to the end of the path, but I was hesitant to walk through to the other side. Many thoughts were running through my mind causing a pit of doubt and worry to settle in. I tried to ignore and quiet down my swirling thoughts, but they kept getting louder making me dizzy. What if my family doesn't make it out? Should I have stayed behind with them and helped? What if someone discovers what I can do? It was me they were searching for, so was I the reason for the downfall of my pack? Is the blood of my pack on my hands? 

'No, it is not on your hands,' says the voice of my wolf, startling me .

It's rare when she decides to speak to me. She is reserved and only speaks to me when it is necessary. The only times she ever speaks to me is when she has something to to teach me or to give me knowledge over something, like now. Her voice is always stern and authoritative, yet it brings me peace.

'How can it not be on my hands. It is my fault because I should have protected them. What's the point of being "special" and having certain abilities when I can't even help.'

'You will help, just not now, it isn't time yet. Our time will come when we will have to fight and that is when everyone will need us the most.'

'That's if I even survive.' Oh Goddess! I almost forgot that I am now a rogue and everyone knows rogues can't survive on their own, not without a pack.

'That doesn't apply to us' Aila chimes in.

'What do you mean?'

'Like I've said once before, we are a very rare and unique kind, the only and last of our kind actually. We are wiser and stronger than any other wolf, even an Alpha. We are our own Alpha, some can even say we are the Alpha of Alphas, therefore their command has never worked on us and why we are able to survive on our own. We do not need a pack, but we choose to belong to one as it is of our nature to want to be amongst other wolves.'

'Ok, well that sort of makes sense, like how Alpha Derek's command never worked on me so my mother told me to pretend it did as to not raise suspicion. Maybe that's also why others of the pack tended to follow and did what I asked without question. I always thought it was because my parents were male and female Delta of the pack, but that still doesn't mean I'll be ok and survive. I'm not as strong as you.'

'Do you know why we were given the names we have?'

'Because my mother liked the name?' I could feel Aila rolls her eyes.

'You need to gain more knowledge of who we are. No, your mother didn't choose your name, it was given to you by the Moon Goddess. Your mother was instructed to give you this name for its meaning translates to promised by the Goddess as well as strength. You were a promise sent by the Goddess herself to our kind and everyone that shall be affected by it, a promise that you were coming to help bring peace and harmony amongst all. In turn I was then given the name Aila which also translate to strength, as I will be giving you the remaining strength you shall need to complete your task.'

'So, what you're saying is that I'm just as strong as you?'

'No. Aren't you listening to what I am saying? You are stronger, the strongest being that ever walked the earth, besides our creator, the Moon Goddess. I am just hear to provide you guidance and support whenever you may need it.'

'Wow, that's just, wow.' I was left speechless. I always knew I was special and that I had abilities I had to keep hidden, but I didn't know the extent of it or the responsibility that comes with it. I guess I really need to learn more about exactly who I am and what I can do.

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