𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓯𝓸𝓾𝓻: 𝓻𝓪𝓰𝓮

63 1 3

You saw red.

Your body moved with out your control. And so did your mouth.

Everything your friends were saying was muffled by your own thoughts.

"he promised..."
"what about my career?"
"he'll go to jail... right?"
"he wont make it to jail..."

Next thing you knew, Mai, Asahi, Daichi, you and Suga were in an elevator and the button was pressed for Yori's  floor. 

"How old were you when you sent those?" Mai asked you while holding onto you shoulders, standing in front of you. Her faced showed concern. "I think I was 18... maybe." You said unsure.

"He had pressured me so many times that one day I guess I just broke." You said looking down at the floor. "Wait, what do you mean 'pressured', y/n. Did you save any of those messages?" Daichi being his detective self.

"Yeah, I save all of my messages. Just give me a second I have to unblock him." You said unlocking your phone and going to snap. As you unblocked him, the elevator dinged to let your group know that you have arrived at his floor. 

Just before you walked out of the elevator, Asahi stepped in front of you. "Now y/n, I know what he did was pure evil and disrespectful to you and your character. But, I also know  you well enough to know that the only thing you  have on your mind at the moment is murder. All I'm saying is think before you act, ok?" Asahi said bear hugging you  and rubbing your back.

"I will, now can I at least go talk to the bastard."

You walked down the hallway to find his apartment number and proceeded to bang on his door.

The door opens and you see Émilie, standing there in nothing but a bedsheet. You couldn't care less about what the were doing before your got there and pushed pass the girl. "Hey! You can't just barge in here like this!" Émilie yells as your friends start to walk into the apartment.

"What is going on out here," Yori slurs walking out of the back room. " Oh shit, the bitch is back." He says while acting annoyed.

"You know exactly why I'm here. I will have you arrested or at least punished by the school for what was basically revenge porn of your ex." You said quietly. Mai was looking at you with deep concern because she knows you only get quiet when you're really pissed off.

"What is the whore talking about Yori?" Émilie said 

"She probably sent them to these three idiots the pics, so I don't know why she's so mad that the rest of the school sees." Yori said drunkenly. Émilie looked at him with complete and utter disgust. 


All you heard next was her starting to curse him out in French.

"Tu es un putain d'idiot. Vous êtes l'écume de la terre. J'espère que cette merde vous apprendra une leçon. Je te jure que tu ne penses qu'à toi-même. VOUS ÊTES UN FILS ÉLOIGNÉ D'UN ÂNE MOURANT ET J'espère que vous le savez!"

Translation: You're such a fucking idiot. You are the scum of the earth. I hope this shit teaches you a lesson. I swear you only think about your damn self. YOU ARE A SELFISH SON OF A DYING DONKEY AND I HOPE YOU KNOW THAT!

"Oh wow..." You said taken a back by the words coming out of her mouth. "Well, I think we can go now." You said cheerfully walking out of the apartment. "Oh shit, I'm scared of her." Suga said cautiously following behind you.



It's been three months and so much has changed. 

Yori had gotten expelled from Waterford Conservatory and your reputation had been restored. You hadn't heard much of Émilie but only saw her during rehearsal. 

Not only had things change in school but in your personal life. 

After the 'trial' of L/N v. Araki, you and Asahi had began to get closer than with the rest of the boys. Very, very close.

Now having been dating for 2 months, you've miraculously avoided being caught. 

At least that's what you thought. 

" Ah, I see you've come to visit your older brother finally, huh dork?" Keishin said still focused on the practice at hand. "Who said I came for you?" You said raising an eyebrow.

"Oh did you come for one of your boyfriends?" He said finally turning to face you. "Maybe..." You said turning to look at the game. "It's getting late don't you think you can let them go." You said pleading with him.

"One month of cleaning the store." Keishin said one hundred percent serious. "2 weeks and I don't tell dad who's sister you're screwing." You said sarcastically. Honestly, you don't think your father would've cared all that much but you could see your brother choke on his water.

" ALRIGHT BOYS, PRACTICE IS OVER! CLEAN UP AND GET OUT OF HERE!" Your brother said trying to rush the team out of the gym. 

After about 5 minutes you walk out with Asahi, Daichi, and Suga. "Good night you guys, see you in a few weeks!" You say to Daichi and Suga as you and Asahi get into your car.

You pull off and start heading back your newfound apartment shared by you and Mai. Mai had went home for spring break leaving you by yourself. Well, not exactly by yourself.

You were barely in the house by the time Asahi had your thighs wrapped around his waist and his lips on your neck. "Wait..." you breathed out. "I gotta lock the door."       

"Oh... sorry about that." Asahi said putting you down. "No, bub it's ok. Just don't want anyone to walk in and murder us." You said jokingly.

"You're crime documentary binge watching days are showing." Asahi said chuckling and sitting down on the couch. 

"Are they really? Oh well then." You said sarcastically and plopped down next to him.  You cuddled up next to him as he put his arm around you and kissed your head.

"So, what do you want to do tonight?" Asahi said looking around the apartment. "I have an idea... We could binge watch Cells at Work?" You said looking up at him with big eyes. 

"I'll get the popcorn!"

"I'll get the blankets!"


1096 Words

Thank you guys for being so patient with my upload schedule. Now that dance has lightened up more uploads will be coming up.


Dancing is bigger than the physical body. Think bigger than that. When you extend your arm, it doesn't stop at the end of your fingers, because you're dancing bigger than that. You're dancing spirit.

- Judith Jamison

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