Bagged Soup and Confessions

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Hello! Long time no write my duudes- so I wrote this mini oneshot based off some interactions with friends today and my friends writing prompt.

So here have my word vomit lol and please give me feed back!

Also I didnt have a name for the girl so please name her ;-;

This was it, today was the day Y/n L/n was going to confess to Ryan Galager the hottest boy in her class, at least in her opinion. Not many people liked Galager too much. Sure he was captain of the school's soccer team, and a total chick magnet in the hallway, but he’s never been one to show off or hang with the guys. So he wasn't too popular that title belonged to his older brother, the shadow he hid behind. Literally. 

Ryan Galager, Chick magnet, Soccer Captain, Local final girl of all horror movies. The kid could get scarred by anything. A simple ‘Boo!’ would knock the kids socks off and potentially be mistaken as the school's fire alarm. 

Yet Y/n could care less about his screamish tendentious. He was quiet, kind, and polite, funny as hell. Her only problem around him was that he never seemed to accept confessions. So she was ready, nothing would stop her. 

Y/n rushed through the lunch line, grabbing a plain white milk carton from the tray and heading down to her lunch table in the back in between the nearest trash cans and bathroom.  Perfect. 

She sat down scanning the lunch room. Found you~ Her eyes immediately locked onto Ryan across the lunch room. He was making his way over to her chatting with some of his friends. She quickly propped up, grabbing her backpack and shoving it onto the table to cover her face. From there she unzipped her backpack and pulled out a bag of cheerios. “Bro how did I even bend my fork?” one of Ryan's friends said, sharply examining it in front of him. “Uh, you bent it?” Ryan said shrugging an awkward small smile grew on his face, gosh he was cute- “Bent it? Dude, no way I didn't even touch it like- how did it bend??” Ryans face fell flat and took the fork from his friend, snapping it in two. “There,” Ryan said giving back, “Have your stupid-” “GRAHHH!!” someone yelled straight into Ryans back and the poor boy filled the lunch room with a shriek. “Oh fork you!” He doubled over hiding his face in his hands. “Fork you guys!”, the boys were dying of laughter. A few kids in the lunchroom joined them.

“Jerks, always picking on him.” Y/n mumbled pouring her carton of milk inside the bag of cereal and mixing it with a spoon. “Oh come on Ryan! Grow some balls, you really thought I couldn't bend a fork?” One of them said holding their stomach. “Y-yeah,” the other said, trying to hold in his giggles, “You're s-such a wimp- haha! ” 

Y/n watched as Ryan walked up to her table grabbing the snapped pieces of the fork off he threw off the ground. He glanced up at her and his face was flushed with embarrassment. He looked at her like she was some strange invention. “Uh,” she said, meeting his glance.  “Is that- are you eating cereal in a bag?” he asked. It took Y/n a moment to process what he just asked, he was just so close to her.

A small blush spread across her face mid-spoon in her mouth. She slurped the cereal  inside her mouth and said “Yeah…” in a snap his milky brown eyes shifted from confused to playfull. “Thats...creative.” He smiled, “You do know they have cereal here right?”
Y/n nodded her head, “Yeah, I mean that's where I got the cereal. I just wanted to have it for lunch…” She nervously fidgeted with the spoon. He laughed and his eyes met with hers, she could almost see his eyes sparkle. “Okay well, I’ll see you in 5th period right?” he asked. Y/n nodded watching him turn to leave, but she wouldn't let him go just yet. She threw her spoon into the back and zipped it shut. With her other hand she reached off the table and grabbed onto his wrist, almost missing it.

He turned to meet her, not pulling his wrist away, “That was extremely extra, why didn't you just call my name?” He said his voice sounded annoyed but his mouth was twitching at the corners, fighting to smile. Y/n immediately let go of his wrist and stood up from her seat. “Sorry! Sorry I didn't mean to reach out like that…'' She said awkwardly. Great going Y/n, embarrassing yourself already and he hasn't even rejected you yet. This was it, she could feel her heart thump in chest. “So Ryan,” She started. “Yeah Y/n?” oh my gosh he knew her name, I mean why wouldn't he, she’s known him since they were kids- why is she stressing over something so-

“Y/n! Hey, are you okay?” He asked moving closer to her. She snapped back into reality, were her nerves really that bad? “Yeah I’m okay, ugh sorry I just wanted  to ask you if you wanted to maybe go out? With me? Tomorrow?” she asked, nervously rubbing her palms together. “Yeah sure I guess, I thought we were hanging out on friday though” He shrugged observing her. She sighed and chewed the inside of her lip. “I- meant… “ She turned away embarrassed. “Y/n are you sure you're okay, you seem to be acting weird lately.” He asked, his voice concerned. Breaking eye contact with him, Y/n’s mind seemed to think that everywhere else was far more interesting than the oblivious boy infront of her.

But she couldn't be more wrong. Ryan watched his childhood friend stand in front of him, nearly a foot shorter than him and the cutest little thing he’s ever met. You see Y/n wasn't the only one he noticed acting weird. He himself has been acting out of character. Ever since he realized his feelings for Y/n he’s been keeping a low profile around his popularity. Attending less events, rejecting the girls that came up to him, he only had eyes for Y/n. He only had his eyes on her. Her sweet blush around the bridge of her nose, spreading to her neck. The way hid her face and tried so hard to not look at him, he just wanted to grab her and pull her close. 

Judging by her reaction he had to take his chance. “Uhh” he hesitated, scratching the back of his head. “Did you meant- mean like a date??” he shyly asked, trying to make eye contact. She finally looked back at him, a slight confirmation with the look in her eyes and he knew the answered. “I- I would love too. How about tomorrow at five, the coffee shop down the road?” He grins. “Wait you're serious? But I thought you didn't want to have a girlfriend?” She said in disbelief. “So you noticed...I didn't think you watched me that closely” he smirked. She flushed even more before pushing him back. “Who wouldn look at you?” she chuckled. Unfortunately for the two the bell had just rung indicating the end of the lunch period. “So friday?” He said, “Friday,” Y/n nodded and he before he left he blew her a kiss running out to catch up with his friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2021 ⏰

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