Roblox. BLM. Rant.

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Okay omg, so I was playing Roblox right! The game that I was playing was Boho Salon and when I first got to the game, this server was fucking packed with people- Like it was FULL. So in Boho Salon, there's this big building that has an upstairs and downstairs, I was working in the downstairs with like with two other people. 

Now this sever was packed right, but nobody was there! Not a single player was downstairs just me and some other girl- So I decided to check upstairs and that where everyone was. It was chaos, my dude!

And when something like this happens I like to stick around to see the drama, BUT THEN THIS BITCH- I swear I see someone say "Black Lives don't matter, everyone knows that!" And everyone fucking flipped- rightfully so-

Everyone is like jumping around and yelling at this one girl. So I find a stable person and ask whats going on. This person told me that some girl came in here and said black lives don't matter and George Floyd deserved what he got, and I was like WHAT THE FUCK?? HOW COULD YOU SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT????

SO! The person that I asked also said that she called 10 HRs. TEN and ONLY TWO came- Wtf! This one HR tho- She was trying to calm everyone down and at this point, 5 other players were dressing in all black and changing their skin and were also starting to chant "BLM! BLACK LIVES MATTER!" and then everyone started to join in, which was absolutely great at first this girl started to get overwhelmed and treated to call and HR, LMAO what's that got to do?? BUTT unfortunately the HR that was already there started to kick people out so the 5 ended up being two. 

What upsets me is that the girl who shouted all those things never got kicked out- in the end, everyone just ended up leaving the server. WHAT ALSO PISSED ME OFF is that people started to go against her- which you fucking should- and she started massive fights! She kept on saying things like "Why is everyone going against me!? I'm telling The TruTH-" LIKE HELLO?? I just don't understand! I just don't understand how someone could be that fucking ignorant and insensitive! 

Like this is a real-life issue! This isn't something you can just say and expect people to not say anything back! She's treating it like it was some kind of joke and then got all upset when people told her to get out! Black people's lives matter a fucking ton and I don't understand. I'm just fucking pissed rn-  

BY THE WAY, THIS LASTED MORE THAN 3 HOURS! I only came at the very end.💀

Alright  I think I'm done for now I'm going to go take an angry shower- Bye ya'll!

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