Where should I read?? There's many options.

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I've been to places.

My Judgement nobody asked for:

Fanfiction.Net: this is like for the Starters and for the Pros. A lot of Oldies on here. You write all the shitty stuff on here and because it's on Fanfiction.Net it looks like you're the best at writing. I swear the first time you read something on there it's like you've hit gold. Then the second time you read it you relize how bad it is.

Tumblr: This for the Writblr people. Tons of Pros on here. A lot of profiles cross from AO3. They have a talent for being aesthetically pleasing and a nack for using words you've never heard of. Very fatuous, bet you didnt see that one coming. Also they LOVE writing essays of fanfiction.

Wattpad: The Heart of Te fiti. This is like your starter Pokemon along with FF.net. Oldies are on here but the generations behind take over. Here people write just about anything and it's fucking great (not all but it's cool). All ages man and many people find friends...and therepy. Now Wattpad's kinda stupid, mentally so be where of what you read. This is also where the "Golden Age"happened. 1D never new what hit 'em.

Ouotev: Ah yes "the Throw away" Site. This is where many people of FF.n go. It's very unknown and sometimes when you go there it almost feels like a hazy dream. "What where am I?? How did I get here?" Here you can find Fanfiction, Originals, Quizzes, Tests, Lists, this place is weird. It's fun though- wanna take a break from the other sites?? Just go here where you can find what DNA your Oc has. Limited fanfiction.

AO3: In my opinion this is where all the Pros get filtered to. They're the ones who write the best and really detailed fanfiction. These people come from all fractions and are pretty rad. The website though is bad. It's not as easy at the rest but you'll survive. I guess when people graduate from Wattpad and Tumblr they go there. Kudos are a problem tho. If I want to give Kudos again then let me cLicK it AgIan! Yes I know it's for 18 and up, that is why I'm there. All and all its nice to have. :)

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