you're falling hard, i push away, i'm feelin' hot to the touch

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Going back to work is a jarring experience. Taeyong is giddy, still, coming off the weekend, and it's a little hard to keep it all under wraps and focus on his job.

On Wednesday, Jaehyun invites him out to lunch.

"I'm really sorry about the confusion this weekend," Taeyong says. "Let me pay for lunch, since you went through all that trouble."

"No, you don't have to!" Jaehyun says, but Taeyong dedicates himself to making sure he does, anyway. "It was kind of my fault, I should've asked first before just showing up at your place."

"Honestly, I'll probably be at that family friend's house most weekends," Taeyong says. "Um, my mom likes that he can keep an eye on me, and he's a good cook, so..."

Jaehyun nods. "Well, I'll keep it in mind," he says, laughing. "No more surprise visits. Who is he, by the way?"

Taeyong freezes. He hopes Jaehyun never asks to be introduced, because he'll definitely recognize him from that night at the club. "He—he went to college with my uncle, and they were pretty good friends, so he's just gotten to know the rest of my family."

"I see. Well, if you ever get bored of an old man's company but don't want to be alone, you're always welcome to come to mine," Jaehyun offers.

Taeyong snatches the bill up as it's placed on the table and slides his card in before Jaehyun can react. "He's not that old," he defends before he can stop himself, not really sure how to feel. "But thanks."

Yuta's had a busy week, so he hasn't been able to respond to many of Taeyong's texts. When he does, it's with reassurances that he isn't ignoring Taeyong on purpose, and that he's looking forward to this weekend, so Taeyong's not too worried for himself. He's a little worried for Yuta, maybe (it's bad for your heart to be stressed, right?), but he knows exactly what he's going to do about that.

Jaehyun is another issue. Taeyong feels so bad, because if he'd never met Yuta, he'd probably be hooking up with Jaehyun instead. He's perfect, really, with his shy smile and dimples, his strong, broad shoulders and dreamy, old-Hollywood-type good looks. And he's the sweetest, bringing Taeyong a coffee whenever he goes to get one for himself, inviting him out with the other interns, and checking up on him throughout the day. He thinks Jaehyun just thinks he's shy, and thinks he needs to keep track of him or protect him or something. That would also explain to him why Taeyong hasn't really responded to any of his advances.

If only he knew, Taeyong thinks to himself, stifling a laugh as he checks the message Yuta just sent him.

>>Can't wait to see you tonight, baby. What do you want for dinner?

Can we order sushi? Taeyong asks.

>>Sure, and I can make some takoyaki if you want.

Sounds good! Taeyong types back, pocketing his phone quickly when he hears someone approaching.

Luckily, it's just Jaehyun. "Phone out on the clock? You're fired," he says, grinning down at Taeyong.

"Won't be on the clock for much longer," Taeyong says, sticking his tongue out.

"What are you up to once you're not?" Jaehyun asks.

"I have dinner plans with that family friend," Taeyong says, pouting a little to say sorry. "He wants me to meet some of my uncle's old college friends. No getting out of it, unfortunately. I'll be drowning in aunties and uncles I either don't know or don't remember all night."

Jaehyun makes a pained noise in sympathy. "That's too bad," he says. "I was gonna invite you out to drinks."

"Yeah, I can't this weekend, I don't think," Taeyong replies, cringing internally. "Family obligations. Tell the guys I say hi, and I'm sorry, would you?"

guys my age | yuta/taeyongWhere stories live. Discover now