touch me anywhere ('cause i'm your baby)

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The weekend passes in a pleasant haze, and too soon Taeyong is thrust back into the real world. The good news is this week they have a series of lecturers coming in on Thursday, experts and professionals who are coming to talk about their work and how they started their careers. It's not that Taeyong isn't interested, it's just that it's okay if he's a little tired, because he can kind of zone out if he wants with no repercussions. Besides, he's not here to actually become a producer. He just thought it would be useful for him to have the background, even if he wants to be an artist instead. So if he dozes his way through the lectures, it's no big deal.

Jaehyun, on the other hand, is really excited. "Dude, we'll get to see so many cool people," he says. "This one guy, Yukkuri—he doesn't have many pictures online, like, no social media, but I love all the shit he produces. I can't wait for his talk."

"Jab me when it's his turn," Taeyong replies, following him into the lecture hall. "I might doze off."

"You're insane," Jaehyun says fondly, shaking his head.

"No, just tired," Taeyong defends.

They take their seats beside one another. For Jaehyun's benefit, Taeyong tries to focus, but he zones out quickly. He's not exactly sleeping, but he's definitely not paying attention. And then Jaehyun pokes him and hisses, "He's next!"

Taeyong jumps a little, straightening in his seat and squinting down at the man walking up to the lectern, and almost screams out loud.

"Hey," Jaehyun says quietly. "Isn't that—isn't that the guy you were with that night at the bar?"

Shit. Taeyong's brain feels like it's being electrocuted. Shit, shit, shit. Because that's Yuta, smiling his strange, wide smile up at them with his hands balanced on either side of the lectern, blue suit pressed tight, tie smoothed down, beautiful white-blonde hair slicked back. They make eye contact and Taeyong feels frozen; Yuta brushes past it without even a blink. Did he know? Why wouldn't he tell me? How did I not know?

"Taeyong?" Jaehyun whispers.

"Y-yeah, um," Taeyong fumbles. "Yeah, that's—that's the family friend I've been staying with. I forgot you guys met a-at the bar. To be honest, I forgot most of that night. I didn't know he was gonna be doing this, though. I didn't know who he was."

"That's weird," Jaehyun says. "Why wouldn't he tell you?"

"Fuck if I know," Taeyong says. "I knew he was a producer, but that's all."

To his relief, Jaehyun just shrugs. "Well, adults are weird," he concedes. "Maybe it just, like, slipped his mind, or he thought your parents or someone already told you."

Taeyong can't pay attention to a word Yuta is saying, or to any of the next presenters. He pulls out his phone once Yuta's done, tapping out a quick message to start doing damage control.

hey so this was a bit of a surprise. I'm just letting you know that I told Jaehyun you were a family friend, and he recognized you from the night at the bar. I told him you went to university with my uncle. last weekend, I was supposed to be at a bunch of family gatherings with you. I told him i had no idea you were yukkuri. It's mainly a problem because he's a fan & he's definitely going to get me to introduce you during the banquet.

>>got it. sorry about all this , Yuta types back a minute later.

I'm sorry, too , Taeyong replies.

Just as Taeyong predicted, Jaehyun practically drags him out of the room as soon as the last presenter is finished. He holds Taeyong's arm with both hands and pulls him into the banquet hall. "I can't wait to meet him," he says, going on tiptoe to see over the crowd already gathered in front of the food.

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