Chapter 1 - Out of the Shadows

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McKinley High School was your stereotypical high school turned up to 11, with a social hierarchy comprised of jocks and cheerleaders on top with nerds and social outcasts relegated to the bottom. Ethan West was an outcast and despite the hierarchy he walked down the middle of the halls of McKinley with confidence in every stride as he made his way over to his locker. As he got close he saw that his clique was there waititng.

"Jacob, Lauren, Becky." Ethan started as he took stuff out of his locker. "Pleasure seeing you guys in the new school year. We still on tomorrow for after school D&D."

He was met with a chorus of affirmations before continuing. "Oh and I got permission from Figgins for our extended club hours meaning we could spend up to 6 hours today. So with that in mind I have decided to drop our weekly campaign in exchange for a boss fight."

"Am I going to get to crush skulls?" Lauren asked in her typical slow yet intimidating drawl.

"Only if you can manage to beat my creation." Ethan replied cheekily before adding. "I think I'll manage to get you guys sweat in this session."

"We will destroy everything you send at us." Becky replied.

During their conversation the Unholy Trinity along with the cheerleading squad walked by. The people who were in the middle of the hallway parted like the Red Sea as they walked by. As they walked by Santana Lopez locked eyes with Ethan who held her gaze before the entourage turned the corner.

"Imagine being that popular." Jacob said in awe of the power displayed. "Think of the power.

Ethan grimaced before replying. "Popularity isn't all it's cracked up to be. Alright I gotta head to class, see you later."

Everyone left except Jacob who followed Ethan. "Did you hear the rumors. Mr. Ryerson's been fired, allegedly for touching up Hank."

Ethan pulled a face at that piece of news. "Wouldn't put it past him, he always struck me as a bit predatory."

"Did you also hear the news that Finn is dating Quinn Fabray." Jacob continued. Ethan didn't respond but Jacob realized what was going through his head. "Come on Ethan your crush on Fabray isn't going to work out. She's the cheerleader captain and we're bottom feeders."

Ethan sighed before responding. "It's not just a crush. I think I'm genuinely in love with her."

"Says you and 20 other guys in this school."

"Look all I'm saying is that what I feel about her isn't some sudden hormone driven attraction." Ethan replied before noticing a couple jocks head towards them. "Duck."

"Wha-" Jacob said before getting splashed in the face with a slushie. Ethan managed to duck in time and didn't get hit with any of the slushie.

"LOSERS!" The two random jocks yelled, high-fiving each other before walking away.

Jacob was cleaning the slushie off his glasses while Ethan couldn't help but say. "I mean I told you to duck. Come on let's get you cleaned up."


School was officially over for the day and Ethan was ecstatic. He rushed to the club designated classroom and went to work. He brought out one of the large tables from one of the corners and started to set up the seating arrangement. After that he started to bring out the snacks in his backpack and laying them out on who was gonna sit where.

"Lauren loves her Flaming Hot Cheetos, Jacob is a popcorn and Doritos combo while Becky loves her sweets." Ethan said making sure he got everything correct. "Now all I need to do is get the map from my locker."

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