Chapter 4 - Into the Fire

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'You've got to be kidding me.' Ethan thought to himself as he saw his defaced locker. It was covered in egg yolks and everyone was giggling quietly to themselves as they saw him walk up to his locker. He put in his locker combo before opening his locker, making sure to get out of the way of the opening. 

Sure enough came a blast of slushie mix which shot onto the opposite side of the hallway. He carefully looked inside and saw that all of his things were incased in jelly. 'Puckerman' Ethan thought to himself as he headed his way to the principal's office to get things sorted when he saw that the hallways were being blocked by jocks.

He ran around the hallways trying to find a way out when he was cornered at an intersection, surrounded by jocks at every side. Ethan sighed to himself as a crowd started to form before Puck came and stepped into the makeshift clearing, looking smug. 

"Let me guess, stereotypical macho man speech, back and forth insults, fight between me and you, it gets interrupted, and you continue to terrorize me for the rest of the year until some final climactic confrontation." Ethan rattled off.

Puck stopped what he was about to say, looking a bit embarrassed, before collecting himself. "I let you off the first time because of Finn, and what did you do with my generosity. You made out with Santana a second time, right in front of me. For that you got to pay."

"What did you want me to do? She was on top of me, I couldn't just drop her like a sack of potatoes." Ethan said, circling along with Puck. "I don't want to fight you Puck."

"This isn't going to be a fight. It's gonna be a beatdown, a lesson."

"A lesson in what exactly." 

"No one messes with Noah Puckerman and gets away with it."

"Dude you couldn't sound any more cliché right now if you wanted to." 

That was the straw that broke the camel's back as Puck charged at Ethan and tackled him to the ground. The jocks were cheering as Ethan was on his back when Puck mounted him and started throwing punches at his head. Ethan covered his face with his arms while trying to wiggle out of his current predicament.

Puck stopped his punches, grabbed the front of Ethan's hoodie, lifted him slightly off the ground, before slamming him down, making Ethan's back and head hit the floor. Ethan was a bit dazed and was less prepared for Puck's second round of punches, this time with some connecting.

Ethan found an opening and grabbed one of Puck's arms and pulled. Puck, not expecting Ethan to do anything, was caught unaware and was pulled down onto the ground on Ethan's level. Ethan circled his arm around Puck's neck, keeping him in a head lock, while he wrapped his legs against his torso. 

The two boys were in a stalemate. Puck couldn't move and Ethan was stuck maintaining the head lock. Puck was flailing his arms around, trying to find leverage to get out while cursing out Ethan who was holding on with all his strength. After some jocks looked like they were about to intervene, Mr. Schue came and separated the two boys.

"All right, all right enough." Mr. Schue said as the two boys picked themselves off the ground. Puck was ready to go at it again but was stopped by Mr. Schue. Instead he settled for giving Ethan one last glare before walking away, fixing his jacket and being followed by the other jocks.

"Let's get you to the nurse." Mr. Schue told Ethan who felt some liquid on his lips and found that his nose ended up being bloodied. Luckily it wasn't because of a cut.

The rumor mill was already working as kids who witnessed the fight started talking about it. Meanwhile one thought was dominating Ethan's mind. 'Shit.'

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2021 ⏰

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