Chapter 2 - Into the Light

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"Mr. Schuester I would like to join Glee club." Ethan asked after Spanish class. It was the next day and Ethan's life hadn't gotten any easier. When the news of Santana's 'side piece' spread Puck had made it his mission to make Ethan's life a living hell. So far he had been unsuccessful due to Ethan's clever planning but it was only a matter of time before he got caught.

"What changed?" Mr. Schuester asked, curious at the boy's change in disposition.

"I just realized that I may have judged Glee club too harshly. I want to give it a shot you know." Ethan lied. In truth he was asking to join so that it would get Santana off of him. If his reputation hit rock bottom everyone by association would also hit rock bottom.

"Great. I've already seen you sing so just come by after school in the choir room." Mr. Schuester said, patting him on the back and sending him on his way.


'Is it too late to go back to making out with the hot cheerleader.' Ethan thought to himself as he finished performing Le Freak with his other Glee club members. After a round of introductions he integrated himself pretty well to the group and was caught up to speed on what they were doing.

"And, also, this song is terrible." Mercedes finished saying.

"No, no, no. It's not the song. You guys just need to get into it." Mr. Schuester explained.

"No, it's the song. It's really gay." Kurt chimed in, annoyed at the song choice.

"I don't want to sound mean but the person who said 'Disco Never Died' clearly lacks the ability to hear properly." Ethan said, adding his two cents in.

"We need modern music, Mr. Schue." Artie requested.

"I'm sorry, guys. We don't have time to discuss this. We're doing this song this Friday at the pep assembly." Mr. Schue replied to the entire club.

"During an assembly." Ethan said with his hands combing through his hair.

"In front of the whole school?" Tina asked incredulously.

"Exactly." Mr. Schue replied oblivious to their baffled looks.

"They're gonna throw food at us. And I just had a facial." Kurt said distraught.

"I'll press charges if that happens." Rachel joined in.

"Guys. I can't express to you how important this assembly is." Mr. Schue elaborated.

Finn stood quietly with a deer in headlights look while Rachel looked at him worried. Ethan stared off into the distance silently questioning his life choices while the rest of the club seemed uncomfortable with the idea of performing the song.

"We need recruits. There are seven of you. We need twelve to qualify for regionals. We have no choice or the club is over. I know you guys don't like this song, but we took nationals back in '93 with "Freak Out." It's a crowd-pleaser. Trust me. From the top." Mr. Schue said.

"I'm dead." Finn said, finally saying something.

"You're not the only one." Ethan commented.


The school day was over and Ethan made his way over to his locker to deposit his stuff for the day when a note fell out. He opened it and it read 'Meet me by the bleachers.' Ethan looked around and saw no one around him and pocketed the note. 

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