A/N - Before we begin

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I mentioned it in the description but just to say it again there is no scheduled updates since it'll just be mainly random updates whenever I write. Also it may look messy or unorganized since I have multiple oneshots/ fanfics in the works published but I have them published just so I have different options for what I can write and for you to read if you would like to. 😀

I do have requests open however, dont expect me to get to every request put in since I'll be writing scenarios I've come up with along with those that are requested.

Depending on the oneshots certain characters will be aged up.

For example with lemons/ smut type stuff, characters who are younger than 18 will be around 18+, meaning that those at UA and other schools would be considered in their third year of school, in college or out of school as adults.

Also, I am caught up with the manga so request including parts from the manga can be made which means some spoilers may be added. Those oneshots with spoilers will have a warnings at the top. If it's very limited metions from the manga, there may or may not be a warning at the top.

Lastly, thank you so much for reading and voting on this oneshot, and please let me know any and all feedback you have for the oneshots, I would really appreciate it and it would be really helpful for me.

Boku No Hero Academia/ My Hero Academia (BNHA/MHA) X Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now