Apologies, kind of...

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*At the hospital*
"So what Did you say happened again ?" H-he was jumped "Well he is in very bad shape, and it doesn't look like the work of some teenagers" fine, I hit my son is that what you wanted to hear ?! "Mr. Jones I will need to call the police" you do that and I'll have your head before you can even run do you understand ? "Yes sir" good now go and treat my son
"Mr. Jones you can go and see him now, he is awake" Good, thank you and remember, you open your mouth and your dead, jughead said as he entered the hospital room his son was in. How you feeling bud ? " Oh please, don't act like you care now" I do care, your my son, my first born and my baby boy "Yeah, put a sock in it, I know you hate me" I don't hate you "Yeah well I hate you" fine then, have fun living on the streets "You can't kick me out" I can, It's my house and I'm paying for it, and if you don't appreciate me working hard everyday to buy shit and pay for the house then your not going to live in my house " Fine, what do you want me to say ? I love you ?" That's a good boy " I'm not a dog" shut it birdy
*At their house*
"Dad I was thinking that maybe I could move to my grandma Alice's house, I mean mom is always telling me how nice she is" absolutely not, no way in hell are you moving out "Why not ? I mean I'm her granddaughter" because that woman doesn't know you guys exist ! "Why wouldn't she ?" Because when your mother and I were in highschool I fucking kidnapped her and bullied her ! I forced her to cut all ties with everyone ! "Your a monster" no, I'm your father, and I love you two, and the twins "If you love Jackson Then why'd you beat him to within an inch of his life ?" Because he needs to learn how to fight back and not just lay there like a coward ! "Can you do something about me being bullied if you love me so much then ?" Who's bullying you ? "Freddy Andrews, Jaime lodge, and Ruby blossom" don't worry, they'll be dead by the crack of dawn "Dad, no, that's not what I meant" that's not what I meant either, I was trying to say that I would have them expelled and maybe even out of town by the crack of dawn "Now your talking my language daddy" that's my girl, now come on, I have a really nice way to scare them off  "Can I come ?" Do you know how to beat up a jock named Freddy Andrews ? "Y-yes" no stuttering, repeat it again ! "Yes sir" good boy, but we need someone to keep an eye on your mother and make sure she doesn't suspect anything "I can stay daddy, Jackson can go" alright then sweetheart, he said as he pressed a kiss to his daughters forehead.
*In the living room*
"Where are you going juggie ?" Me and Jackson are going to pops "Without saying goodbye ?" Jesus woman "If your not gonna say bye to me at least say bye to your twins" fine, he said as he bent down to level with Betty's belly, I love you guys *kisses her belly* hope you don't turn out a whimp like your brother though my little men "Jug" what ? "Jax is your son" *whispers in her ear* correction, I kidnapped you and then I fucked you, and like the slut you are you got pregnant "*tears up*" almost forgot the teeny fact that I also forced you to marry me, so that I wouldn't go to jail for kidnapping you, if you think for one second that those babies guarantee your safety, your in for a rude awakening slut "I- I thought you loved me" *laughs* I do princess, I'm only joking with you, don't take it so seriously "Just go die in a ditch or something"
*After scaring them off*
"Are we going home now ?" Later, I'm taking you somewhere right now.
*In the woods*
"Why are we in the woods ?" *takes out a gun* on your knees, hands up "d-dad what are you doing ?" Your a useless piece of shit, a whimp, a coward, your not my son "Please dad, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm not good enough I'm sorry I'm not the son you wanted" get up, instead of fighting me your being a coward and begging for mercy
*Jughead jolts awake*
"What happened juggie ?" I had a terrible dream that I was abusive to Jackson "Jug, he's ok, he's in his bedroom playing video games, you said you wanted to go to bed early because you had some writers block and thought some rest could help" It was terrible betty, I- I, at one point I was even pointing a gun at him "Jug relax it's just your mind bringing back memories from you killing people" I would never hurt Jackson "I know juggie"

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