Ludus & Storge

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Two weeks later and you found yourself exactly where you were; anxious, impatient, and standing outside of Jungkook's family home.

The nerves building in the pit of your stomach had you frantically twitching as you contemplated what the heck to tell him.

It shouldn't have happened.

Lucas and Jungkook weren't meant to meet and right now, you were kicking yourself for creating a mess of things. Neither of them was supposed to know of the other especially when Jungkook was as sensitive as he was.

Lucas, on the other hand, you knew you didn't owe him an explanation because he wasn't someone you were involved with romantically but you couldn't help but as though you'd been caught cheating.


Your heart kept pounding as you approached the familiar doorsteps. Movements and shadows from the kitchen made you straighten as you mentally prepared for a civilized and mature conversation with your ex-lover.

It wasn't as though you felt nervous to see him. Yeah, no ... you were, one hundred and thousand percent. You were scared shitless.

Partially due to how you left things but also, you wondered how royally pissed he was when he discovered Lucas at your place.
Jungkook was a lot of things but he was never the jealous type. You were almost certain he was kind to the stranger despite feeling a million things about the situation.

You felt your body ease as the thought occurred. Every fiber of you calmed down. You weren't about to see the man, the love of your life, you had unfinished business with but his gentle nature.

Despite his discovery, he did show up at your place. There must have been a reason. Jungkook wouldn't barge in your personal space unless he had to. He respected your boundaries regardless of how painful it was for him.

There was a reason. Though you couldn't think of anything but you were sure he must have been desperate to talk. You were too.

After the conversation with Shey, all you wanted was for him to reassure you the only way he could.
You had stupidly admitted something to yourself and it was dominating every little inch of you.

Breathe, in and out.

Sinking your shoulders, you exhaled softly as you knocked at the front door.
You didn't come to start a fight. The only thing that filled your heart was sorrow.

That night was your relationship's demise and you remembered how heartbroken and lost you both were.

Although you had countless people in your corner, Jungkook was the only person who could truly empathize with what you were feeling.
He must have been going through it himself but since you parted ways then ... ugh, you were thinking too much.

Stop it. Breathe, in and out.

You knocked on the door once more and spotted a figure approaching it. With a deep inhale, you heard the door get opened.

Jennie, his sister-in-law, with Taemin on her hip greeted you. Surprised to see one another, she grinned at the sight of you as she waved you inside, "Wow, look at you. What are you doing here, sweetie?"

       You cheek-kissed each other before you excitedly greeted Taemin, "You're back from your trip."

       "Yeah, we got back last week. Come in."

       "Thanks," you said as you began to unzip your boots. A part of you was bewildered at finding Jennie but another part of you was relieved.

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