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    “tears doesn't come out naturally from dried land or between unfathomable screams.”

   there are more than sincere thoughts when your love ones don't go to sleep earlier than what you've told. more than secrets of having save their picture on your phone's album. more than telling them what's good and bad whenever you see their actions. more than wiping their tears when they're in a verge of breakdown. there are more than that, and something we could have explain before.

   but yours is different from the day that i met you. from the first time of glancing and intertwining our souls. you are gentle, like daisies and dandelions of the forest' fortress.

  you are the care taker of things uphold from deep looking eyes. you set my perspectives beyond my expectations, and told me how should i handle things more. i learned a lot, discovered things far from my path. you supported a wild flower like me who's missing its path. i grow differently with you by my side.

  there are things a person couldn't explain—but can really tell just by what it is; and there's more than seeing the line of kindness. you are not as raw as any other, but transparent as water with a refined appearance. you are pure just like how your touch feels like home to a missing animal wondering for a sanctuary.

  there are more than tears, and a good reason to fill your heart with it.

Words to DamoiseauWhere stories live. Discover now