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The Dead You Resurrected

  “I wandered under cemetery, until my feet hurts because of broken glasses.”

  and I never lied to you when I told you that I died year before. it was unstable that I need to carry my feet with full force in each steps that I'll take as I walked to the ground. it feels unreal, for worms crawls up on my foot and my white dress looks dirty not with blood, but with stains of earth — the lies of it.

  I never lied to you when I told you that my heart gets broken, for someone pulls it out from my rib cage until all the bones collided and ended broken. the veins dies and all suffered from excruciating pain — and it stains blood within.

  I never lied when I told you that my eyes dried up because of tears that it takes out from inside of it. all didn't settled from one eye. it goes from one to another; it never stops from dying and sore until it never hurts like before.

  I never lied.

  so the next time I told you that you repaired the heart that has been damaged, please offer your ears. let it bloom flowers so it soften your heart. let my acts be visible within your eyes.

  let words reach the inner you.

Words to DamoiseauWhere stories live. Discover now