rooftop breeze 🌳

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Kirk p.o.v

I was kinda sad Mina was sick kamibro wasn't here so it was just me and sero, he's still not talking to me cause of a stupid dare "I-ummm I'm gonna go ok bro" "....ok bye" sero said looking at his phone. I got up, grabbed my stuff and went to the roof, when I got there a general breeze hit my face 'aw this is nice' I stand by the door for a few more seconds it was quite...the leaves on the trees making a nice sound birds chirping..and someone singing a song? I look around to find where that beautiful singing was coming from, then I spot someone sitting on the edge of the building they had spiky ask blond hair and the way it moved in the wind was beautiful (Kirk babes your gay is showing), he was wearin a light blue ish purple hoodie and blue geans. I stepped forward to him. I didn't want him to do what I think he was doing, I think he heard me cause the singing stopped...he slowly turned around his pink eyes meeting my red ones. We looked at each other for awhile "u-um sorry??" I said while rubbing my neck "sorry for what?" He said tilting his head 'oh what do I say now' "I actually don't know" I said with a big smile, I walked up to him "can I sit next to you?" I asked "s-sure". We sat there in silence. The only thing making sounds was the trees and birds and some people talking


"so what are you doing up here" I looked at him "oh I'm just like it up here, it's quite nice and" He looked back at me "well I just came up here to...clear my mind" that's how our conversation started. We talked and talked he was really nice and fun to be around he made me feel better, the bell rang I totally forgot about school, I got up and was about to leave when a thought popped up "WAIT what's your name" I asked him "oh my names katsuki..katsuki Bakugou" he said with a light smile "well bakubro my names eijiro kirishima it was nice meeting you I hope I see you tomorrow!" I said with a big smile "ok see you shitty hair" "MY HAIR ISN'T THAT DIFFERENT FROM YOURS" I dramatically yelled " mmm ok don't you have class you have to go to" he said putting one hand on his hip "OH yeah bye bakubro" I said as I ran to class


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