Broom Polishing

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A/N Heya...been awhile. So now I've become one of those writers who disappear without a trace and leave their stories to die. Now its time for me to explain myself I guess. Basically, the HP fandom was getting too much for me to handle. I had to exile myself from Harry Potter before it was permanently ruined for me. I no longer call myself a Potterhead either. Now I'm just HP fan and a Harmony shipper. So I'm basically staying away from all things Harry potter unless it involves Harmony in someway. A little rash and perhaps slightly weird, but hey. I'm back now though! I opened up chrome and notice a wattpad tab opened and I couldn't resist so... Here I am! Enjoy this little one shot I wrote before I kicked this series to the curb for like 3 months!

Somewhere in sixth year. (Another message from current me here; please ignore hoe clueless I mad Ginny in this. Maybe I should've replaced her with Ron instead...)

Ginny Weasley was having a wonderful day. She'd finally ended her semi-toxic relationship with Dean Thomas, she'd earned 30 points alone for Gryffindor for her excellent performance in Herbology due to the tutoring of Neville Longbottom, and now she was on her way to the quidditch pitch for the second game of the year against Ravenclaw.

The Hogwarts corridors were emptier than usual, probably due to the upcoming quidditch game. She lifted her right arm to check the watch she'd gotten from Dean on Christmas and - 3:36! Only twenty-four minutes until the game started.

Her stride increased in pace and turned into a speed walk as she turned a corner. She had just begun to hum a jolly tune when she heard the rattling of a door knob. She froze as her eyes searched for the source of the sound, eventually landing on dark brown door a little further down the hall.

She walked leisurely towards the door and as she did, she heard a muffled voice on the other side that sounded oddly familiar.

"Move, let me!" whispered a feminine muffled voice that also sounded alarmingly familiar to Ginny.

The door resumed it's sporadic rattling again and a thumping noise also began to sound from inside. It seemed as though whoever was in there was trying to break open the door. Ginny supposed it must be stuck. Then came more whisper-shouting...

"Use your wand!"

"I can't, I left it in my dorm. Plus it's not locked, just jammed."

"Then let me just kick it open."

"Look at us. What if someone sees us?

"There's no one out there, they should all be at the quidditch pitch by now. We'll be fine!"

There was a long silence, as if the feminine voice was considering what the deeper voice was proposing.

"Fine, but don't kick it, just shove it or something - and please hurry, it's getting stuffy in here."

Ginny didn't know what was going on, but she figured she should stop eavesdropping and help these two poor souls before they had to resort to destroying the door. She was about to reach for the doorknob when -


She jumped back and was about the tell them she had it when -


There was a loud crash, a shrill shriek, and the door flew open before two people fell out and onto the ground. The clattering of falling brooms and cleaning supplies rang out through the empty corridor so loudly that Ginny clamped her hands to her ears and clenched her eyes shut.

Once all the ruckus finally ceased, she heard a pitiful groan and finally opened her eyes and released her ears.

That was when she saw who the mystery couple inside the broom closet was.

"Harry, are you alright?!" yelled a very disheveled looking Hermione as she crawled off of an equally disheveled Harry, having landed on him when they unceremoniously tumbled out of the broom closet.

"Fine, thanks, just a bruised arse to match the one on my ego. You alright?"

"I'm okay- Ginny!" squeaked Hermione as she noticed Ginny staring at them.

"No, it's Harry... Oh. Hey Ginny."

"Harry? Hermione? What on earth were you two doing in there?" asked Ginny. This certainly wasn't something you seen everyday.

The two flustered sixth years looked absolutely dumbfounded. They looked at each other and seemed to communicate with their eyes.

Before long, Hermione sighed and rolled her eyes before turning her attention back to Ginny.

"We were you see, er - we...were um...Harry needed his broom polished, so -"

Harry grinned.

"- we came here to pick up some supplies to make sure his broom would work properly during the game."

Ginny narrowed her eyes. "Why didn't Harry just come alone? No offense, Hermione, but it's common knowledge that you're no good with brooms."

Hermione crossed her arms and huffed indignantly.

"Because Hermione's my best friend and the only person I'd ever trust enough to help me polish my broom, of course," said Harry with a mysterious look in his eye that Ginny couldn't quite decipher the meaning of.

Hermione seemed to though, as she blushed scarlet and aimed a slap at his arm.

"Come on, we're going to be late for the game!" said Harry suddenly.

"Merlin, you're right, come on!" said Ginny as Harry helped Hermione off of the ground. They proceeded in the direction of the quidditch pitch without another word spoken of Harry and Hermione's odd behavior.

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