14. Heart

116 24 34

Day 14- (15th April)

Create a gallery of your heart (or of an OC's heart). Take readers on a
guided tour of what they might see there.


Heart— an important organ
of human body where the blood flows, through the veins,
maybe the human emotions too.

from pumping the blood right to left, it systemically works,
for human body.
but are humans aware of it?

from the early birth: it starts to work, even when you have no clue in your mother's womb.
from right atrium to left ventricle,
It never stops its plumping,
then why does the humanity
become so scarcely?

our heart never demands
any particular reason,
to work on 24/7,
but still your mere kindness
to the human beings,
becomes a huge favour
to the one; you do.

love, trust, anger, the emotions,
they don't know where to exist,
albeit you do know how to furnish,
even when your heart works on simulation.

maybe the heart will stopped
its beating; when you will have your last breath,
but the kindness of your heart shouldn't be estimated,
in the void of world; growing densely.


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