7. (random)

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She said I was ugly
I smiled
She said I was fat
I smiled

She said I had no talents
I won every competition there was with a smile
She said I cheated
I challenged her and won

She said I should go
I showed her the door
She said she was the queen
I said "Not for me"

Then she made a mistake
The audience gasped
I tried to restrain
But then I unleashed

She  insulted my family, my culture my friends
I gave her a lecture of no ends
She tried to counter
I showed her the graphs

The queen might have been in power
The people though hated her entire
She might have been feared
I was henceforth respected

The queen lived in her own world
I  knew the real world
The queen was alone surrounded
I was loved supported

The queen still thought she won
I left her in her misconceptions 
The queen was overthrown
My smile never gone. 

𝕋𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕧𝕒𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕖: A collection of poems and opinionsWhere stories live. Discover now