9. Sometimes

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Sometimes I just wanna be heard

Sometimes I wanna speak without words

Sometimes I don't want to talk

Just hear about the bird you saw on your walk

Sometimes I want to be alone

Other times I'd rather be with you on the phone

Sometimes I think you'll disappear

At those times I just want you near

Sometimes emotions are not conveyed

Sometimes the inevitable can only be delayed

Sometimes I just want to hold your hand

Sometimes moments shouldn't be grand

Sometimes I want you to wipe my tears

Sometimes I need you to help me fight my fears

Sometimes I want to be what you are to me

Sometimes all you have to do is see

Sometimes I want to put you to sleep

Sometimes I want to hear when your thoughts are deep

Sometimes I want us to fight

Sometimes I want you to tell what isn't going right

Sometimes when this isn't enough we should forget

Look back and smile at the day we first met

Sometimes I wish you'd stay

Sometimes I like when you are there for me even when you're far away

Sometimes when I just wanna cry

I just want you to hug me when my eyes are dry

Sometimes I want to be there when you are sick

And sometimes I want to be there when you win for your team with that last kick

Sometimes just maybe we could smile

Sometimes fall into a laughing pile

Sometimes we could watch a movie so boring

That I turn  off when I hear you snoring

Sometimes we could bicker on characters and shows

Sometimes we could sleep as the dim light glows

Sometimes we could cook together

Sometimes just let me bake when I'm under pressure

Sometimes my eyes start to gleam

Sometimes I don't want to realize this all might just be a dream

𝕋𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕧𝕒𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕖: A collection of poems and opinionsWhere stories live. Discover now