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- a song by me (titled to be changed once released)

overwhelmed by demons and sounds
i can't listen to you pacing around
tell me something i wish you would
i fell as expectations stood for you

and i still hope you'd comfort me
when i'm vulnerable and weak
i'm slowly losing you
'cause of what you couldn't do

i don't believe we're meant to be
maybe you're not the one for me
maybe it's right person, wrong time
maybe you weren't meant to be mine

you leave me for dead in your room
but i'm still confused as to why
please unlock the door and let me out
we could talk it out

i don't believe we're meant to be
maybe you're not the one for me
maybe it's right person, wrong time
maybe you weren't meant to be mine

my livid body. poetryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora