Monster world Pt.1

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Izuku P.O.V

I woke up, remembered what happened, looked around.

I woke up, remembered what happened, looked around

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.......... "FUCK." .......

Seriously were they real but it's impossible, I heard a voice racing my own thoughts.

"DING .... DING."

I looked in the direction the sound was coming from ..... I'm scared.

 I'm scared

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what ... "I'll put you in the world of monsters for 8 months." ... monster ??, he was serious, I'm shaking.The beast looked at me trembled, those ring-shaped red eyes, he started walking at me and suddenly started running at superhuman speed.

He came to me without the chance to escape, he brought his face close and took his hand to my neck, he pulled me up, it was getting hard to breathe.I squeezed his hand with all my might to let him leave me, but it didn't work, the monster started laughing as if it gave him more pleasure when I tried to escape.

His smile started to grow and he threw me, ahh ... it hurt, the monster started to laugh, seemed to enjoy my pain, I started running with all my might.But he saw that he started running and he grabbed me, he pulled my head closer to his head, he was looking at me with red eyes with rings in it, then he smiled and brought his clawed hands to my torso and cut me off, then threw me again.

I shouted in pain, this was hurting more than bakugou's explosions, why did that god choose me to play I want to live.The beast had already come to me, ... above my head staring at me with a desire to killHe was looking at me with the desire to kill, he just wanted to kill me, as if he wanted nothing else, I was going to die, but I don't want to, I have to say to get out of this situation, I looked at the monster he was still wanting to kill

The monster raised his hand and smiled, grabbed me by the neck and raised me, his smile plus .... "die." ... "die." ... "die." ... "Deku you are useless, why don't you swan dive from a building". ....... "Sorry, but your son is Quirkless." ...... "what a useless boy, fortunately your family has another daughter named izumi with a strong strangeness." ..... "sorry izuku but izumi We had a promise to "...." shut your mouth, if I befriend a weird like you, I will be a weak loser, don't call me again kacchan and die. "

Should I die hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

the monster that held the monster's arm smiled more, but the more he looked at my face, the more his smile turned to fear."ehh, you're Not Killing Me, Do It, kill me."I said, the fear of the beast began to increase and he opened his hand and left me,"Oh, you're leaving me, you're not going to kill me, hmmmaahahamhmhahahhahh are you afraid."I said.

Isn't it really funny, the stronger than me is afraid of me I brought my head closer to his face and I looked into his eyes, I said "You really have such cute eyes." The monster started moving away from me slowly, "ahh you are afraid hey you can kill me you are 100 times stronger than me come on kill me hmhmhmmh. "I said, the beast started going further away

"Hey, hey, where are you going, Were you going to kill me?"the monster was so scared that he fell to the ground," seriously hahahahaah hey you're disrespecting legends in Legends people are afraid of monsters, but you're afraid of me from a person hahahaapuffhhihihhaahah this is funny."I said, the fear on the monster's face began to grow more and more.

I sighed and looked at the monster and said "hey I'll search around for a bit, you can still stay here if you want to kill me, but if you gave up, disappear when I come" and the monster accepted.

"That's why I wanted to play games with you, Izuku Yagi, you are the person who has the most desire to kill after me in this world, the mistake may be that you have more desire to kill than I do."he said,the monster who declared himself a god, of course, izuku had not heard of it.


(The episode is over, I hope you liked it, let me tell you that this villain is not izuku.)

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